Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 294 Do you want face or money?

Chapter 294 Do you want face or money?

Shen Ergou's face was stiff.

Shen Qiqiao glanced at him: "Heh, there is nothing, now that we have developed with our own hands, you are shameless and want to come and cling to relatives to eat and drink?

Just ask, do you still want face?If you are shameless, I will tear your face off immediately, and give you another ten taels of silver, and I will give it to you if you like it!Anyway, Mr. Lizheng is right next to him, so the big guy can do a notarization! "

When Shen Ergou heard that he was going to tear his face, his calves trembled in fright, and he quickly touched his face.

I don't know if what this dead girl said is true or false, but how can this face be torn off, how painful is it?
However, Li felt that Shen Qiqiao was alarmist: "Damn girl, your heart is so poisonous! You want to tear people's skin alive? Let me tell you, you don't care about this matter, even if Li Zheng I will not favor you!"

"I don't need anyone to show favoritism, I'll just tell the truth!" Shen Qiqiao picked up a pair of large scissors from the side, and shook them twice, "If you want face but no money, if you want money but no face, choose by yourself!"

boom!After finishing speaking, the scissors were thrown towards Mrs. Li.

"Ouch! Killed a man!"

The scissors passed through Li's family and nailed directly in front of the toes of Shen Xiaoru who was returning to her mother's house. She was so frightened that she instinctively jumped and cried.

She originally came here with her, thinking that having her parents around would probably bring some benefits back home, but how could she have thought that she would almost lose her life instead?

Then he thought of the scene where Ye Han beat her man violently in Yangjia Village, and felt his heart tremble.

This is really a pair of guys who want to kill thousands of knives, dare to say anything, dare to do anything, it's too scary!

Many villagers nearby felt that Shen Qiqiao's behavior was a bit too much. Anyway, Shen Ergou was her own grandfather, and they were blood relatives. How could she really tear his face off?
But this is just thinking about it in my heart, this is a family matter, and it is difficult for honest officials to decide this matter, and they can't talk about it.

"This... father and mother, what's wrong with this, this damn girl just refuses to give money, we can't come for nothing!"

Looking at the gorgeous carriage, Qian couldn't be reconciled, why should Shen Qiqiao's family eat well, wear well and use well, and they can only eat rice bran batter to live a hard life?

Especially when she thought that the whole family was suppressed by them back then, and now they are more glamorous than them, she couldn't swallow this breath.

Mrs. Li was not reconciled either, her small eyes darted around, and she clutched her chest and rolled onto the ground.

"Oh no, no, no, why do I feel so stuffy in my chest, the scissors just scared me to death, I...I'm going to die..."

As expected of being Li's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Qian immediately understood what her mother was going to do, and hurriedly followed suit.

"Mother, oh, hello mother, Shen Qiqiao, look at you, how frightened mother is, mother is unconscious, you hurry up and pay the doctor to have a look!"

Shen Qiqiao looked at this group of top-notch relatives, and smiled, what's the matter, first she cried and asked her for money, then pretended to be dead, and asked her for money again!

Is Shen Qiqiao's money so easy to cheat?

"Show her a grandma!" As he said, he picked up a broom and beat them up, "Save me a little, don't try to extort money from me, get out, get out! Play dead again, right? Little Dog, bite! If you don’t obey discipline, bite me!”

"Wang! Wang! Wang!"

"Oh my, help me!"


(End of this chapter)

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