Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 301 I Lost My Wife

Chapter 301 I Lost My Wife

"You you you...why do you ask me to work for your family? I'm not your slave!"

"Don't want to work? That's okay, just use the money to pay off the debt! Don't tell me you have no money, you remember that you have a son, and the family must give him the gift money for marrying a wife. If you really have no money, you can use That pays!"

"Shen Qiqiao, killing people is nothing more than nodding your head, don't bully people too much!" (Killing is nothing more than nodding your head)

When Mrs. Zhang heard that she wanted to take money from her son's daughter-in-law, she immediately exploded and spit at Shen Qiqiao.

Shunzi was her heart and soul, and she was usually very precious, but in three to five years, she would have to consider her a daughter-in-law, and this kind of gift money was absolutely unacceptable.

Shen Qiqiao doesn't care about these things, she should be ruthless when dealing with this kind of person, otherwise she won't have a long memory and always likes to mess with herself.

"You won't give it? Then, Ye Han, take her away. The land is short of manpower to weed weeds, so let her do that! If you don't do it, use a whip!"

After Shen Qiqiao finished speaking, Ye Han came up.

"Don't, what are you doing, this is | breaking the law! I want to report to the official, report to the official!"

"Hmph, we haven't reported to the police for robbing other people's property, but you barked first? Don't you know that the crime of robbery will be punished with three beeps?"

Ye Han smiled and said, not afraid of her at all, he has studied the punishment of the Daqian Dynasty, this punishment is actually pinching fingers, it is said that ten fingers connect to the heart, this torture tool is really amazing.

If she really dared to report to the officials, this crime of robbery alone would be enough for her to drink a pot.

But Mrs. Zhang is illiterate and doesn't know what torture is. He snorted, "Damn, don't fool me. You just took something you didn't want. How could it be a robbery? Don't scare me with torture!"

"Oh? Just took something we didn't want? It seems that you admitted the fact that you took something? I gave the soap to Aunt Chen. Whether she likes it or not, you can't take it away. In front of us Take it, that's grabbing!"

Shen Qiqiao laughed, this person was stupid and wanted to cheat her out with just a few words.

She looked at her with a smile: "Oh, Aunt Zhang, I'd have forgotten if you didn't tell me. This matter is too complicated, so it's better to report it to the authorities. By the way, Ye Han, what is this torture?"

In fact, Shen Qiqiao didn't know about punishment, because many words of punishment in ancient times were too esoteric, and she was not an expert in that field, so she would be a ghost if she knew about it.

"The punishment is to pinch your fingers." Ye Han said as he walked over, clamped Zhang's index finger with two fingers, and pinched it hard.

"Ah—" Mrs. Zhang screamed with palpitations, "It hurts, it hurts to death, please forgive me..."

"Hmph, I did it with my hands. When you go to the government, it's bamboo chips."

Ye Han didn't say the last half of the sentence, but just looked at her meaningfully.

Mrs. Zhang was terrified by Ye Han's gloomy eyes, and hurriedly cried: "Don't, don't, Ye Jialang, Qiaoer girl, you can't go to the government house, you can't get out if you go in. I..."

As she spoke, she didn't forget to tug on Shen Qiqiao's arm, but she pushed it away: "If you don't want to go to the government to be punished, then give me the money! The way is for you, you can choose whether to live or die!"

Mrs. Zhang was really scared to go to the government, especially the blow that Ye Han gave her just now, if it was exchanged for real bamboo, would it be worth it?
She said without any hesitation: "Give it, I'll give it, it's not enough if I give the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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