Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 304 Ready to Buy Land!

Chapter 304 Ready to Buy Land!

Shen Qiqiao came home humming a little tune, she was very happy, she cheated Li Dazhu's family a lot, she probably didn't dare to trouble her family again, ten taels of silver was enough for them to hurt for a long time.

The days that followed were quite pleasant.

In the tea business, with the help of Aunt Chen's family to stir-fry tea, the young couple will be free, thinking about taking down the vacant land upstream of the stream.

Because the land is not wasteland, it has been requisitioned by the government, so if you want to use that land again, you must find the government to buy that piece of land as your homestead.

This matter naturally needs to be brokered by Li Zheng.

On this day, the wind was sunny and the sky was bright and clear, Shen Qiqiao urged Ye Han to quickly take the big fish and big meat to Lizheng's house.

Because if you want to find Lizheng to do things, naturally there will be benefits, so that people will have the strength to work!

"Three big crucian carp, two catties of lean meat and three catties of fat meat, ten catties of corn noodles, thirty catties of rice, three bolts of cotton cloth..."

Ye Han was speechless, looking at his little sweetheart: "As for so many?"

"You don't understand!" Shen Qiqiao pretended to be unfathomable and said, "I've investigated, and the purpose of this land acquisition is to sign a land contract, right?
The land deed is divided into a red deed and a white deed. The white deed is a verbal agreement and is not protected by the government. The land may be taken away.

But the red deed, with the government's inscription and stamp on it, is a serious document, and it is impossible for some people to change their minds!
When we went to apply for the title deed this time, we had to let Wang Lizheng accompany us all the way. He is old and has bad legs, and the journey is hard work. He will only be energetic if he works hard, so he will help us a lot in the future? "

Ye Han smiled lowly, and stretched out his hand to scrape the tip of Shen Qiqiao's little nose: "Well, my Qiaoer is the smartest, okay, hurry up, and finish the job sooner so we can build a new house sooner."

After Ye Han finished speaking, he loaded the last bag of flour into the carriage, and drove to Wang Zhihuan's house, waving his whip.

Wang Zhihuan is getting old, so he seldom does homework. Right now, he is leaning against the big locust tree in front of his house, teasing his little grandson.

Seeing a carriage approaching from afar, she knew it was Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han without even thinking about it.

In fact, Li Dazhu came to Wang Zhihuan's place to cry poorly before, saying that Ye Han was too much and robbed him. In the end, Wang Zhihuan beat him out with a broom. The reason was: the villain wanted to sue!
This made Li Dazhu quite speechless.

Seeing Ye Han coming in a carriage, Wang Zhihuan also guessed that they had something to look for him, but he didn't know what it was?
He stretched out his hand to greet his wife from home, and asked her to take the child back, and walked out of the yard on crutches.

"Ye Jialang, what's the matter?"

"Grandpa Lizheng, hehe, it's actually not a big deal. It's just that Ye Han and I started a small business in the town recently and made some money. We always wanted to send you some delicious and useful things."

Shen Qiqiao lifted the curtain of the car and wanted to get out of the car while talking.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ye Han directly fished out a grass mound from the carport on the other side, put it under it, and let Shen Qiqiao step on it to get off the car.

Wang Zhihuan looked at this scene, stroked his beard and smiled: "Look, girl, you see Ye Jialang is such a considerate person, this grass mound is so well made, I'm afraid you might fall when you get off the carriage."

Wang Zhihuan heard Shen Qiqiao's words, but in his mind, he just thought that it would be acceptable to send some braised pork like last time.

However, when Shen Qiqiao got out of the car and Ye Han unloaded things from the car, Wang Zhihuan was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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