Chapter 315
"How did you two get here?"

"Qiao'er, I asked Wang Li to investigate the origin of that stranger. If it is as expected, the results should be available in a few days."

Ye Han explained the reason why he left, worried that Qiaoer would misunderstand.

"We are very unfamiliar with that person, how do we investigate this?"

"The government office has a special file for registering people coming in and going out. You only need to check the file to know who the strangers who came to the town recently are."

"Sure enough, Master Lizheng has to come forward to do this."

Shen Qiqiao nodded, although she felt that it was not good to bother Wang Lizheng all the time, but there was nothing she could do.

But Ye Han was thoughtful: "Scholars, farmers, businessmen, officials and masters are always ranked first, no wonder so many people take the imperial examination, sharpen their heads and get into the officialdom."

"Brother Ye, I will take the imperial examination when I grow up, and I will also be an official. I want to protect you and sister!"

Shen Mu appeared out of nowhere and made great wishes for the two of them.

Shen Qiqiao's heart warmed when she heard that, she patted her younger brother's head with a smile, and said, "Mu'er, why don't sisters send you to the county school?"

There is a small private school in the small town, but it is only a small school with five or six students, far from being able to compare with the big county schools in the county.

The county school is run by the government, that is, it is managed by the government. Not only does it have a large collection of books, but it is also taught by knowledgeable and experienced teachers, which is very helpful for learning.

Now that he has decided to study for his younger brother, he should go to the best county school, so that in the future, the chances of being admitted for children and talents will be much greater.

After all, in the previous life, many parents tried their best to send their children to first-class schools in county towns or even provincial capitals. The purpose was to make their children's starting line superior to others.

However, if the child doesn't like to study very much, or his brain is not bright, then he doesn't need to go to a very good school, otherwise, in front of a bunch of powerful academic masters, it will affect the child's self-esteem and self-confidence.

This is tantamount to counterproductive.

However, from these days, Shen Qiqiao can see that his younger brother is very smart and easy to learn, what he needs now is a good learning environment.

Since she is the biological sister of the baby brother, she must satisfy his desire to learn.

Sure enough, when Shen Mu heard that he was going to study in the county, his eyes lit up, and he almost excitedly said, "Sister, really, you really want to send me to study in the county? Wow, that's great, I finally have a book to study !"

Danced and danced for a while, then thought of something, but sighed a little: "Sister, I remember Brother Song studied in the elementary school in the town. Hey, I thought I could go to school with him, so I asked him for advice!"

Shen Mu regretted that those enlightenment books were given to him by Song Qingshu, and he felt a little grateful in his heart, and he also felt that Song Qingshu had studied in the school for so many years, and occasionally he could ask him when he didn't understand.

It's just that in the future he will go to the county to study, but he will be in a small school in a small town... Hey!

Shen Mu just said casually, but Shen Qiqiao listened.

She rolled her eyes wide and said with a smile: "My dear brother, you reminded me! You said, why don't Brother Song also go to the county to study? Autumn is Qiu Wei. At that time, he will take the exam for the master of talent, let him study A better school will have a higher success rate."

Qiuwei, that is, the county exam, is going to the county seat for the exam. Since you will have to go to the county seat sooner or later, it is better to go now, so that you can get familiar with the environment in the county seat and help the exam that day. There are many scholars, everyone communicates and exchanges, and increases knowledge and experience.

(End of this chapter)

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