Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 326 Treat him a little better, even better...

Chapter 326 Treat him better, better...

Early the next morning, Ye Han got up as usual, washed up and punched a set on the small hill behind, and then came back to boil water for cooking.

Shen Qiqiao didn't sleep well last night, and she was still in bed this morning. Ye Han looked at the petite figure in the room, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth, and continued to be busy without disturbing her.

fetching water and sweeping the floor, washing and drying clothes, chopping firewood and burning charcoal...

In just one morning, almost all the housework was done.

Shen Qiqiao woke up at this time, yawned and came out of the room.

When she saw the slightly damp ground and the clean and tidy yard, she suddenly realized something.

There was a thunderstorm last night, and it was so heavy that she could hear the fence rattling in the yard, and fell asleep at that time, but I can be sure that after the rain, the yard must be full of puddles and puddles. fallen leaves.

But now, what she saw was a clean and refreshing yard!
It goes without saying that Ye Han did it all by himself. He cleaned up the yard!
Then, she looked at the stove again, and noticed that a cluster of cooking smoke was rising there, and a faint scent of fried eggs wafted out.

He is cooking!

Then she turned slightly sideways, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw the clothes drying in the yard behind...

Even though her heart was made of stone, at this moment, she still felt a little throbbing!

Ye Han!It's all Ye Han!

She hadn't noticed it before, and until today, she didn't realize that Ye Han was doing almost the same thing every day - helping them boil water and chop firewood, wash clothes and clean the yard, even a small latrine next to him was cleaned up by him Get ready, he has done all the dirty work by himself since he came here!

Shen Qiqiao clenched her fists and bit her red lips tightly.

In this world, there is no such rule, who must give to whom without compensation and unconditionally. People are not stupid, so how can they do some meaningless things?

Then, the only reason why Ye Hanyi did these things without hesitation was - herself, Shen Qiqiao!

"Newton said that there are action forces and reaction forces in this world. Ye Han is so good to me, I think I should treat him better... well, even better..."

Shen Qiqiao came to the kitchen unknowingly, and saw Ye Han was so busy preparing breakfast for them.

She stepped forward lightly and picked up a piece of dough that was about to be kneaded: "Ye Han, you have worked hard, I'll take care of the rest!"

Ye Han, who was busy with work, was startled for a moment, his eyes showed a little thought and expectation, and after a while, he smiled and said: "It's okay, you didn't sleep well last night, you should go back and sleep quickly, so that you can nourish yourself in vain." Fatty, you know?"

Shen Qiqiao used to find the words "bai bai fat" very harsh, but this time it felt very heartwarming.

What is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
Shen Qiqiao is now, once she sees someone right, what he says will become pleasant to her ears.

"I've had enough sleep, you really want to raise me into a fat little pig!"

"Hey, okay, I don't mind, I don't mind what you look like!"

"Damn it, I mind, mind very much, I don't want to become a pig, hum!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Ye Han and started kneading the dough.

Ye Han smiled, feeling warm in his heart, this girl cared more and more about him, especially when she looked at him just now, how gentle and considerate?His heart melted at the sight.

With encouragement, Ye Han's motivation became even stronger!

(End of this chapter)

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