Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 330 Tian Shuo'an is depressed again!

Chapter 330 Tian Shuo'an is depressed again!
"Give me some!"

"I want to try it too!"

"I I I..."


Teacups were handed over and brought back one by one, pots of boiling water were handed over and returned empty.

Not long after, all the people passing through the street drank the new tea that just came out.

Most people like it, but a small number of people think it is not good to drink. After drinking it, they feel that their throats are burning.

"Fellow folks and guest officials, please listen to me! This tea is called black tea. It is cool in nature, bitter and sweet in taste. It enters the heart, lungs, and stomach meridians. It can help digestion, increase appetite, diuretic, eliminate edema, and has Strong heart effect..."

Shen Qiqiao began to introduce the efficacy of black tea, because she wanted to promote her own fermented black tea, so she did a lot of homework before coming here.

"In the perception of Chinese medicine, tea can also be divided into hot and cold, among which green tea is the most bitter and cold, suitable for drinking in summer, used to cool down fire, relieve summer heat and quench thirst.

Black tea is warm in nature, so it is more suitable for drinking in winter, and it is also suitable for people with cold constitution.Because this kind of people drink green tea, some people will have abdominal pain and diarrhea, which is not beautiful.Of course, black tea promotes qi and blood circulation, so pregnant women should not use it! "

Shen Qiqiao briefly introduced the difference between black tea and green tea, and even talked about the taboos of drinking black tea.

As soon as this remark came out, one or two pregnant women who had heard the wind rushed over touched their stomachs and shook their heads regretfully. They didn't dare to make fun of their stomachs.

However, Shen Qiqiao won the favor of many people by talking about this, after all, many unscrupulous merchants don't care about your life or death, as long as they sell things.

At this time, no one wanted to buy tea.

Shen Qiqiao knew it was impossible to go so smoothly, so she decided to use her trump card.

"Everyone, today is the day when my black tea is launched. In order to repay customers and express my gratitude for your support these days, I have decided to buy one tea and get one free! Buy a black tea and get an equal amount of green tea! Black tea, the same It's fifty liters and one tael, no fools!"

Shen Qiqiao was quite curious, so she made a final decision and set the price at fifty Wen a tael.

With a clatter, the crowd exploded in an instant, and many people were gearing up and ready to move, wanting to take out their money bags.

Now, Tian Shuo'an, who had been watching the play, had already turned pale when he saw Shen Qiqiao make a black tea, but now his face was so depressed that it almost dripped ink!

Damn, this little girl is purely against me, right?The fifty cents a tael of tea leaves, buy one and get one free, isn't it only 25 cents for a couple of tea leaves, which is cheaper than the thirty cents a tael he set!
Not to mention that it's cheap, the key is that this girl has a new breed!
Tian Shuo'an was depressed and gritted his teeth angrily. He knew that the business that Chongren Pharmacy had just started was going to fail!
Sure enough, as soon as he had this idea, he heard someone raise his hand: "Miss Boss, bring me five taels of new tea!"

"Okay, Ye Han, wrap it up quickly."

"Good lady!"


Shen Qiqiao almost sprayed him to death with a sip of salt soda, if she hadn't been in a hurry to collect the money, she would have definitely slapped him to death?Let this guy talk nonsense!
"I want three taels!"

"Pack me eight taels, I'm cold, I prefer to drink this black tea."

After a while, a table of Eight Immortals was crowded with people, and many people took out their copper plates to buy Shen Qiqiao's black tea.

Tian Shuoan's blue veins stretched out of depression, he slapped the feather fan in his hand, and said angrily: "Damn, I don't believe in evil anymore, I can't deal with you couple! Aji, hurry up and get me some black tea, I'll go to the old imperial doctor to have a look again!"

(End of this chapter)

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