Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 387 Set my younger brother's mind right!

Chapter 387 Set my younger brother's mind right!

"Sister, I really don't think so!"


Shen Qiqiao said calmly, but her voice was somewhat serious, "You have already thought of this word.

If you become an official in the future, with power and status, then someone will come to curry favor with you.

But you haven't done it yet, and you think of others to curry favor with you. When you really have this ability in the future, won't you be trapped in it like a giant whale?

And this kind of thing, once you take the first step, it will be one step after another, and you will get deeper and deeper!

After you first taste the great benefits and great satisfaction that power brings to you, you will want more power, and then grab more satisfaction.

It's a vicious circle, you know?My sister asked you to study because she didn't want you to be illiterate. It would be nice if you could get a good grade in the exam.

But if you take the test for fame and fame, then you will lose the original interest in studying and become a slave to power! "

Shen Qiqiao's words were a bit heavy, Shen Mu was stunned for a moment, and stared blankly at his sister.

Ye Han didn't say a word, but his deep eyes sparkled: This girl, at such a young age, has never been in officialdom, yet she knows so much!
Ye Han sometimes doubts that the girl he is facing is really just a 13-year-old cardamom girl, not a 30-year-old witch?
Of course, if he knew the truth, he would probably vomit blood.

Shen Mu was scolded by Shen Qiqiao, so he bowed his head and remained silent.

Shen Qiqiao knew that she couldn't continue the training, it would cause the child's rebellious psychology, so sometimes she would pat her and then give a jujube to eat.

She stepped forward, took her brother's hand, and patted him gently, like a parent educating a child.

"Mu'er, I know that you did all this for my own good, for Xiaolan, and to make us live a better life.

Your heart, my sister took it.

However, my sister really doesn't want you to get stuck in the mud and end up hurting yourself.My sister just wants you and my sister to have a perfect life in the future, you know? "


Shen Mu's voice was childish.

"Okay brother, sister understands, you, can you understand sister too?

You are my sister's own brother, the closest person to me in this world except for Xiaolan, my sister is not willing to let you have a miserable future.

Even though, you will hold grudges in your heart now, but my sister has no regrets and only wishes you a safe life. "

"Sister, don't talk about it, why does my brother hate my sister? Mu'er knows what my sister means. It was Mu'er's mistake before, and Mu'er was too eager for quick success. Mu'er will not be like that in the future!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled knowingly, with a warm current flowing in her heart, after all, it is the children of poor families who take charge of the family early, their minds mature earlier than ordinary people, and they understand some truths faster than ordinary people.

Shen Qiqiao's words, if you say them to some children who are pampered and pampered by their parents and elders all day long, may arouse the children's rebellious psychology and directly make you worse.

There are also some who come to you to seek death and life.

At this moment, she is lucky, glad that she has a good brother.

Now she straightened out his slightly crooked thoughts, and only hoped that in the future, his path would be smooth.

On the second day, Mrs. Zhao brought Zhao Changqing to Shen Qiqiao to sign up.

Zhao Changqing was a tall and thin young man with fine features, but his complexion was a little sallow, which was caused by years of malnutrition.

Shen Qiqiao was having breakfast, and happened to have two more meat buns, which she gave to Zhao Shi and Zhao Changqing.

(End of this chapter)

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