Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 396 You Can Take My Surname!

Chapter 396 You Can Take My Surname!
Shen Qiqiao sneaked a look at Ye Han, and seeing this guy's face was as black as coal, she knew he was angry again.

Instinctively poked secretly and hid behind him.

That little figure seemed to say: If you can't see me, you can't see me, you just can't see me!

On the opposite side, a thin young man bowed to Shen Qiqiao: "I went down to Jiang Yifan and met the girl, so I was so presumptuous, I still look at Haihan!"

"Ah?" Shen Qiqiao was confused, she didn't even recognize this person, so what's the matter?

Then, beside Jiang Yifan, a rather short and plump boy who was dressed better than everyone present here also smiled and saluted Shen Qiqiao: "I wonder if the girl can tell you her name?"

Immediately another stocky young man murmured in a low voice: "Gao Heshan, don't scare the girl away if you are impatient!"

"Hey, it's all about My Fair Lady, what's wrong with that, I'm not following the teachings of the ancients!"

"It's a gentleman!"

"Oh, yes yes yes, the gentleman is so good!"

Shen Qiqiao's eyebrows twitched, thinking of these people staring at her with hungry wolf eyes just now, she felt very disdainful.

The guy named Jiang Yifan is not bad, I know I'm sorry, but that big fat guy is a bit too much.

Seeing the fat man squinting again, she began to mourn for him for 3 minutes, because the air-conditioning around a certain man beside him became more intense.

I feel that this product is going to be unlucky!

Results in the next second.

A big hand grabbed from the side and dragged the unprepared Shen Qiqiao into a warm embrace, but what followed was a chilly voice: "My daughter-in-law! Watch your eyes!"

Jiang Yifan and Gao Heshan's faces immediately collapsed. Seeing Ye Han's malicious intentions, it felt like a flower was planted in cow dung, and the good grass was scooped up by a pig.

Immediately afterwards, these people became even more unfriendly to Ye Han and Song Qingshu.

"What are you guys doing here? If you want to see Mrs. Xu, heh, I'm afraid you won't have a chance. He's very busy!"

Gao Heshan raised his double chin with an arrogant expression on his face.

Another honest-looking young man named Li Zhiqing also said at this moment: "Yes, every time Mr. Xu looks at a person, he needs to consider at least an hour. You are too late. Wait for us to finish watching. it's dark!"

Jiang Yifan concluded: "So, you guys should go back!"

In fact, Mr. Xu considered the time to be a stick of incense at most. They said that because they thought these people were not pleasing to the eye, and wanted to run them away and reduce competitors by the way.

Although, these people did not regard Ye Han and the others as competitors.

Ye Han's eyes turned cold, and he said lightly, "It's okay, I can jump in line!"

Jiang Yifan: "..."

Gao Heshan: "..."

Li Zhiqing: "..."

The three of them stared together!

What kind of stupefied young man is this? He's here to break the rules, isn't he?

Gao Heshan was arrogant, and immediately yelled angrily: "Presumptuous, how dare you come to Xu's mansion to make trouble, Jiang Yifan, hurry up and find the housekeeper, and throw these arrogant people out of the mansion!"

Jiang Yifan responded, turned around and called for someone.

Song Qingshu saw that this was serious, and quickly apologized to Gao Heshan: "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Brother Ye's words are too aggressive, please Haihan!"

"Haihan? Hmph, don't even think about it! Tell you, if I don't kick you out today, I won't be called Gao Heshan!"

"I think you can follow my last name!"

"Yes, follow your surname!"


"Hey, bastard, what do you mean, looking for smoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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