Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 413 You beat your own mother for a servant!

Chapter 413 You beat your own mother for a servant!
"Say, who are you going to kill?"

Ye Han stared at Mrs. Sun with icy eyes, which made people feel creepy.

Mrs. Sun was a little flustered by his look, and subconsciously backed away.

But when she thought that she was the bastard's mother, she was annoyed again. She pushed her over and yelled, "What are you doing? You have to bear it too!"

The corners of Ye Han's mouth tightened, and his eyes became extraordinarily cold.

Because he was too angry, his hand was trembling slightly while holding the broomstick, and the broomstick made a creaking sound.

Finally, with a click, it shattered!


Sun screamed, terrified, and pointed at Ye Han's trembling hand: "You, you, you...you rebellious son!"

"Oh, I just disobeyed you, what's the matter?"

Ye Han said calmly, pushed Sun Shi away, and then helped Aqiu who was beaten badly.

He saw that Aqiu's face was scratched by the broom whiskers in several places, and he was furious, and he didn't care about his shitty parents at this moment—because they weren't his biological parents at all!

Even if it is, he still wants to fight today, it's too deceiving!

With a sound of breaking through the air, Ye Han grabbed the broom stick and hit Sun's head and face!

"Ah, help, my son has beaten his mother, and someone is about to die!"

Sun was so frightened that she ran away with her head in her arms, yelling and rushing into the crowd, Ye Han chased after and beat her fiercely.

The villagers on the side were all dumbfounded, and everyone was very confused.

Although Daqian was open to the people, encouraged more children and had less restraint on women than other dynasties, the way of filial piety is still very important.

If a person has the title of "unfilial son" or "disobedient son", he will be stabbed in the back when he goes out.

Ye Han was really unbelievably daring today, he dared to beat his...mother in front of many villagers?
A lot of people think it's a bit too much, isn't it just a slave, who hits him when he hits him, and even fights back, is it true that a slave is more important than his own mother?

The villagers began to point and point, but no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Seeing that no one helped Ye Dahai, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing his wife being beaten, what else is there to say?

"You son of a bitch, you actually beat your own mother for a servant? Damn, you heartless white-eyed wolf, whoever kills a thousand swords should be punished by heaven!"

Roaring angrily, he let go of Ye An, grabbed a brick, and threw it at the back of Ye Han's head without saying a word.

"Ye Han, be careful behind you!"

Shen Qiqiao exclaimed and hurried up to help.

But how could Ye Han be so easily attacked?
He had sharp eyes and ears, and immediately sensed Ye Dahai's actions behind him. With a sneer, he suddenly moved away.



Ye Dahai rushed up, but missed the target, he was in vain, his front feet tripped over his back feet, and he fell forward.

The hand holding the brick accidentally slapped the brick on his forehead.

Immediately, blood flowed profusely!
"Ah—it hurts!"

Ye Dahai clutched his forehead, curled up into a ball.

A stream of thick blood flowed out from between his fingers, staining his clothes and the sand and mud under him red in the blink of an eye.

"Oh, it's not good, someone was killed, someone's head was smashed!"

There were villagers yelling and screaming, one by one scattered, some went to report to the official, some went to call the doctor, and some went to tell stories and dramas under the tea tree...

For a while, Lao Ye's house was more chaotic than before!
(End of this chapter)

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