Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 425 Letting him out was a mistake!

Chapter 425 Letting him out was a mistake!
"you you you……"

Tian Shuo'an's face turned green with fright, and he quickly yelled at the jailer beside him: "You guys, hurry up and arrest him, don't let this lunatic go crazy!"

Several jailers looked at each other, feeling very helpless: "Master Tian, ​​we... can't control him! He can beat us a hundred..."

"I'll wipe it, so you won't put him in handcuffs?"

"Well, ahem... isn't this locked in a cell just now? It's the young master who wants to... release it!"

Tian Shuo'an: "@#¥%..." I felt like I had eaten shit in an instant.

"Then...then shut it back!"

"You can't go back, master!"


Tian Shuo'an wanted to cry.

He turned around and ran, but where is Ye Han's opponent?

He rushed forward with one step and grabbed Tian Shuo'an's shoulder.

"Young Master Tian said just now that he wants to experience the taste of the [-] instruments of torture. Why do you want to leave before the food is served?"

As Ye Han spoke, he showed his white teeth, and his smile looked particularly pervasive.

Tian Shuoan was in a hurry to urinate, and pulled the two things in the middle of his pants. A touch of sadness came to his heart, and he pulled out a bitter smile: "That...no need, hehe..."

"Really? I think it is still necessary to try."

"Oh, I really don't need it, I really don't need it... oh--"

"Ah, young master, stop! Let me come, let me suffer for the young master, ahhh..."

"Oh, oh, help, Ye, you want to murder, come here, you jailers are just for nothing, stop him quickly—"

"Master Tian, ​​we are no match for him, we will be kicked away by him!"


The prison cell jumped up and down, screaming and wailing, and it didn't stop until midnight.

Tian Shuoan was lying on the ground like a dog, motionless.

It's not because of the instruments of torture, but because of being frightened.

Ye Han only gently pinched him with the first torture, and other torture tools were placed on it and dazzled his eyes, such as the discus that was baked, just swayed on his face, and this guy was frightened. Screaming.

Ye Han felt that it was really boring, so he put down the instrument of torture, and then patted the face of Tian Shuo'an, who was cramping with fright: "Master Tian, ​​do you want to cry?"

"Woo, cry..."

"Does the eighteen instruments of torture feel good?"


"Do you regret it?"

"Oh, sorry..."

"Are you still shy?"

"No...don't be shy...you can let me go soon, woo woo woo..."

Tian Shuo'an was completely speechless. What the hell, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to get down. Why did he tell Ye Han just now, and now he returned this thing to him.

So angry!
This bastard, when he leaves here, he must look good, ahhh!
Letting him out was a huge mistake!


Ye Han didn't want to just let him go, this bastard wanted to find gangsters to bully Qiao'er back then!

Just letting him go like this, Ye Han thinks it's too cheap for him?

Therefore, Tian Shuo'an sadly became Ye Han's companion in the prison, eating, drinking and sleeping with him.

Tian Shuo'an tried to strangle him several times while he was asleep, but every time he was severely punished by Ye Han. In just three days, Tian Shuo'an couldn't remember how many times he was beaten by Fatty...

In the end, Tian Shuo'an gave up resisting. He felt that life was so gloomy that there was no light of hope.

While Ye Han was in jail, a big incident happened at Bailing Mountain, which connects Jincheng and Fenglin County.

(End of this chapter)

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