Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 442 Change Plan

Chapter 442 Change Plan
"how is this possible!"

The 30-year-old young man shook his head, "A lot of people were arrested, and they were placed in different stone chambers. Our stone chamber is No. [-]. There are No. [-] and No. [-] from here, and No. [-] and No. [-] over there." .”

"You guys know a lot about this place?"

"That's natural. We've been here for half a year."

"Half a year?"

Ye Han frowned, these people have been tossed like this after only staying for half a year, what about before?
Looking at its overall structure, Magangzhai has existed for several years, at least, otherwise it would be impossible to build such a layout.

There's something weird about it.

"Young man, don't think about it, sit down and refresh yourself, maybe you will be dragged to work soon."

"What do you usually do?"

"This... moving bricks, all kinds of bricks, and sawing wood, specially picking old trees in the mountains and forests for chopping."

"Apart from this, nothing else?"

"No, no more..."

Ye Han remained silent. There was a big problem here. This Magang village seemed to be holding back its big move and was preparing to do something big.

As far as the layout of the outside and the mechanism placed are concerned, it can be seen that it is unusual.

Just, what exactly do they want to do?
"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner!"

At this moment, the sound of gongs and drums and the dragging of iron chains came from outside. It was obvious that they had come to deliver food.

Click!There was a small opening in the middle of the iron door, and lunch boxes were pushed in through the opening.

"Eat more, I'm going to work tomorrow!"

A deep voice floated in, accompanied by bursts of sour sweat and heavy footsteps, it only stayed for a while, and then gradually faded away.

Ye Han brought in the food boxes in the mouth and distributed them to several men one by one. These men were all wounded. Seeing Ye Han doing this, he expressed his gratitude to him.

"Eat it!"

After Ye Han finished speaking, he opened the food box.

There are only two meat buns, a small dish of pickles, a small piece of pork belly, and a bowl of rice.

Ye Han frowned, just this little food?
Seeing that the color was dull and not very fresh, Ye Han lost his appetite.

In recent months, his appetite has long been spoiled by Shen Qiqiao, this kind of food is really unbearable.

The 30-year-old man next to him pushed him: "Eat, this is already the best food, because I have to work tomorrow."


Ye Han was speechless, picked up a white flour steamed bun and gnawed it. Although his appetite was whetted, but...hadn't he eaten it before, forget it, let's eat some!
"Where are you going to work tomorrow?"

Ye Han's eyes flickered, and various thoughts ran through his mind.

Before, I thought it would be enough to rescue Feng Shizi and Su Shina, but after coming here, I found that this place is very difficult, and there may be a shocking secret brewing.

He felt that it was necessary to explore, and it was a pity to leave like this, so he also changed his plan.

As the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes!
He ate the white flour steamed buns and rice, and some pickles, and gave the man the pork belly.

The man looked at him, hesitant to speak.

"Okay, I won't say anything if I am grateful." Ye Han glanced at the other four people who were eating steamed buns, and whispered in the man's ear, "Since you have been here for half a year, you know that the stone room opposite How many people were imprisoned here?"

"The ones on the opposite side are women. Most of these women are for the bandits in the cottage to have fun."

"Having fun?"

Ye Han's face immediately darkened!
(End of this chapter)

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