Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 447 Everyone who doesn't want to die, give me peace of mind!

Chapter 447 Everyone who doesn't want to die, give me peace of mind!

Shen Qiqiao stared wide-eyed, her small and delicate face was filled with an indescribable nobleness and domineering, she pointed at these people and said: "Everyone, if you don't want to die, please give me some peace, if you want to die Yes, just make a fuss!"

Xiaohong is tricky and pungent, but she is also a bully.

Seeing Shen Qiqiao's domineering momentum, she was trembling until her face turned green with fright, she hid in a corner and dared not make a sound.

Shen Qiqiao saw that everyone was silent, so she nodded in satisfaction, and then naturally found a higher seat to sit down.

"Some things, I have already made it clear when I came here. In this kind of bandit den, if we can't unite ourselves and play in the den, we will only be eaten one by one by others, and there will be no bones left. So, don’t make trouble for me one by one!”

In the last two sentences, Shen Qiqiao deliberately emphasized her tone, causing many people to shiver in fright.

Seeing that she was almost threatening, Shen Qiqiao softened her tone and said, "Last night I spent a whole night thinking about it, but I came up with a method, although it may not work, but at least there is a [-]% success rate.

If he went out, he might be able to support one or two people, so he wouldn't have to worry about this place all day long! "

The latter sentence can be said to be the most lethal sentence that Shen Qiqiao said in the audience.

As soon as they heard that they could be escorted out of this place, the eyes of all the girls here lit up, and the girls who had opposed Shen Qiqiao because of Xiaohong before showed annoyed expressions on their faces.

But soon someone calmed down, but they didn't dare to offend Shen Qiqiao any more, and asked in a low voice, "How can you leave?"

"Yeah, if you tell me, we can help to think of a plan together!"

How could Shen Qiqiao not know what these people were thinking?Women's thoughts are always the most!

She sneered in her heart, but said calmly on the face: "Is there any way, I told you, I'm afraid you can't do it!"

"Sister Qiaoer, just tell me! If you don't tell me, how will we know if it's okay?"

Shen Qiqiao glanced at these girls and saw that they were dressed like poor people, especially some of them had the bad temper of Miss Gui.

She asked: "What do you do at home on weekdays? Girls, study?"

"Yeah, women don't want to be female celebrities, but learn "Women's Training" and "Women's Rules", what can they do!"

Shen Qiqiao pursed her lips: "As the saying goes, nobles don't work as cooks, but have you ever worked as cooks?"

"Tch, that kind of place is dirty, smelly, and smells like blood, who wants to go there!"

Xiaohong was in the corner, although she was still a little jealous of Shen Qiqiao, she said unforgivingly, "But, look at you, you should have been there a lot!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled and said nothing.

This damn girl will immediately regret what she said!

"jingle bell jingle bell..."

Suddenly there was a fragmentary metal trill outside, someone is coming!

"Hey, they're here again, they must have come to take us away, I don't want to serve those stinky men!"

"I don't want it either, those stinky men stink to death!"

Xiaohong and several little girls huddled in a corner together, hugging each other, shivering.

Shen Qiqiao and Han Yunshuang looked at each other, and Han Yunshuang understood what Shen Qiqiao meant, and said worriedly, "Is your method feasible?"

"Is it feasible? You will know if you try it. If you don't try it, how will you know the result?"


When the words fell, the door was opened.

(End of this chapter)

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