Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 457 The little ones in their bellies 99

Chapter 457 Little Jiujiu in Each Stomach

In a short while, the eighteen dishes on the table, two soups, and one dessert were swept away by Wei Xiong.

In the end, he was almost finished eating, patted his swollen stomach, pointed to Shitou and the others: "You guys, clean up!"

Isn't Shitou waiting for people to stretch their necks by the side to mean waiting for the master?
At that moment, one by one followed the hungry and crazy wolves, and they all rushed to clean up the leftovers.

As a cook, Shen Qiqiao was delighted to see them eating the food she made, but the face of someone beside her was dark.

"Qiaoer, why didn't I know that you would cook so many delicious things?"

Someone is jealous, there is a sour taste, there are so many delicious things, and he is not given to the master to eat!
Damn girl, you have partiality!Lack of education!
Shen Qiqiao smelled the smell of sauerkraut and immediately felt embarrassed, touched Xiao Qiong's upturned nose, leaned into Ye Han's ear and whispered: "You like it, I will make it for you every day in the future, and give it to you in different ways." eat!"

After saying that, Shen Qiqiao was a little dazed, how could she be so clingy to Ye Han, and didn't have the slightest thought to refute?
As soon as Ye Han heard it, his heart blossomed with joy, this girl has a bit of a conscience.

After Wei Xiong ate the dishes made by Shen Qiqiao, he fell in love with this girl even more.

But when he saw Ye Han being so ugly, he felt uncomfortable. How could such an ugly man marry such a good-looking and capable wife?

It just doesn't make sense!

The good flower was slapped by a pig!
Wei Xiong was thinking about how to attack the wall.

If this was the case before, he would definitely use force, but when he saw Shen Qiqiao, there was a cool temperament naturally exuded from her body, which made him desperately want to get her sincerity.

So after struggling for a long time, Wei Xiong decided to accept the young couple temporarily, and then slowly deal with Ye Han.

As long as Shen Qiqiao sees how unbearable Ye Han is and how strong he is compared to himself, he is confident that this girl will empathize with others and fall in love with him.

Wei Xiong was thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, but he didn't know that Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han were also playing with his own Xiao Jiujiu.

"When it gets dark tonight, we will explore this Magang village at night!"

Ye Han secretly sent a voice transmission to Shen Qiqiao.

Shen Qiqiao nodded, the night is dark and the wind is high, it is the most suitable time to do things, when she holds the space artifact, she is really not afraid of these bandits!

"Stone, you, go down and make arrangements for them!"

Wei Xiong ordered, and then felt that something was wrong, so he said again: "Arrange two rooms, do you understand?"

Shitou has a lot of nerves, and I haven't figured it out yet. Shouldn't they arrange a room for young couples, so as to save resources.

Fortunately, another bandit next to Wei Xiong quickly winked at Shitou: "Do whatever the master tells you to do. Why are you talking so much, Rory?"


Then the dog leg took the initiative to replace the stone and help arrange the room.

There is a string of row houses in the back hill of Magangzhai.

This row house is not the modern row house villa, but a row of houses, referred to as "row house".

Shen Qiqiao was arranged in the row house next to the kitchen, while Ye Han was arranged among several bandits.

Because Wei Xiong had "taken good care" of them, Shen Qiqiao's room was very good, it was a small detached house for her to live alone, not only the air was fresh and breathable, the environment was elegant, but it was also surrounded by mountains and rivers, with convenient transportation.

On the other hand, Ye Han, the room he was assigned was very...dirty and messy!

What's even more unfortunate is that he has a roommate with stinky feet in his room!

(End of this chapter)

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