Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 460 The night is dark and the wind is high, just suitable for doing things

Chapter 460 The night is dark and the wind is high, just suitable for doing things
"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

As night fell, screams could be heard from time to time in the small room where Ye Han lived.

"Hurry up, wipe the floor! Put the tables and chairs away for me! And the quilt, it's too smelly, you slob, don't you know how to clean it?"

"...Damn it, don't go too far, I'm fighting with you! Ouch! Aww——"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

There was another ding, bang, bang, bang, bang in the room.

Then, a sigh came from the next room.

"Hey, Boss Zhu was dealt with by Xiao Ye 19 times this afternoon. He still refuses to give in. He's really tough. What a man! If it were me, I would have given in early!"

"That's right, pure man, it's not easy, hahaha..."

Waves of sneering sounded into Boss Zhu's ears continuously, making his old face blush, filled with grief and indignation, and glared at Ye Han viciously.

"Why? Not convinced? I'll fight!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Oh, I... just refuse to accept it!"


With another punch, Boss Zhu rolled his eyes and passed out.

Ye Han cleaned up Boss Zhu, clapped his hands, and then went to find Shitou: "Brother Shitou, help clean up the house, I'm going out for a while."

"Hey, Xiao Ye, where are you going?"

"Find my wife, she must be lonely!"

"Hey, yes yes, the night is dark and the wind is high, it is a good time to do things, haha!"

Shi Shi looked at Ye Han and smiled obscenely.

Ye Han smiled, but he was muttering in his heart, they were really going to do something, but unfortunately, it was not between the two of them.

Ye Han was so agile that he disappeared after a few ups and downs. His jaw almost dropped to the ground when he saw the stone, and he said repeatedly: "It's amazing, no wonder you can take care of Boss Zhu. You really have two brushes!"


Shen Qiqiao had just cooked meals for the boss and the brothers in the cottage, she was as tired as a dog, and she lay down on the bed and didn't want to move when she came back.

Han Yunshuang and Xiaoyi boiled hot water, put in the bath water, and prepared for Shen Qiqiao to take a good hot bath and feel comfortable.

"Oh, well, take a shower and clean up first!"

Although Shen Qiqiao was tired, she was a clean girl, seeing that the bath water had been prepared for her, she got up to take a bath.

Taking the clothes, Shen Qiqiao found that there was only a little saponin in the place, and there was no soap, so she felt helpless.

But talking is better than nothing, I was already sweating after a busy day, so it was necessary to take a bath.

She closed the door and window of the morning shower room, then took off her clothes and entered the bathtub.

The water in the tub was just right, not too hot or cold, Shen Qiqiao stretched comfortably, and then made a delicate voiceless sound.

She had just slapped the saponins on her body, when suddenly there was a slight sound from the window, Shen Qiqiao's face turned pale with fright, and she wanted to hide in the space, but Ye Han's voice came in: "Daughter-in-law? "


Shen Qiqiao almost rolled her eyes, turned her face to look at the window fiercely, Ye Han's head had already been poked out, and then his tall and vigorous figure appeared.

"Ye Han, are you sick? Your brain is pinched by the door, peeking at me?"

Shen Qiqiao was furious and scolded him angrily.

Ye Han looked innocent: "Daughter-in-law, I really didn't know you were taking a bath, really! Then, why don't I go and take your time? There's no rush.!"

Ye Han felt so embarrassed, he really didn't mean it.

Hey, now that I'm like this, I don't know what my daughter-in-law will think of me?
(End of this chapter)

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