Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 464 Our cottage is not easy!

Chapter 464 Our cottage is not easy!
She obviously followed her steps, but why did the dishes not taste good?

Aunt Deng is also quite desperate sometimes.

When she came out of the house, she happened to smell the strong aroma of vegetables. It seemed to be, scrambled eggs with tomatoes?
Tsk, isn't this her favorite dish on weekdays?

She didn't know the taste of what Shen Qiqiao made, so she wanted to taste it and compare it with herself.

She hurried to the kitchen.

On the stove, Shen Qiqiao purposely opened the window to let the aroma of the vegetables waft out, then kept staring at the opposite door, seeing Mrs. Deng strolling in, she immediately brought up the tomato scrambled eggs with a smile on her face.

Then deliberately pretended to see Aunt Deng: "Oh, aunt, why did you get up so early?"

Mrs. Deng hadn't eaten all night, and her stomach was almost flattened by hunger. When she saw a large bowl of tomato scrambled eggs on the stove, her eyes were rounded.

"Damn girl, why don't you call me when you cook delicious food yourself?"

She rolled her eyes at Shen Qiqiao, then went to serve the rice bowl, filled a bowl of rice, and ate it with tomato scrambled eggs.


As soon as she took a mouthful, Mrs. Deng's cheeks puffed up, and then her eyes widened.

Delicious, why is this tomato scrambled egg so delicious?
The tomato scrambled eggs she made by herself are all dry and hard. The eggs are in pieces, and the tomatoes are also in pieces. The eggs taste like eggs, and the tomatoes taste like tomatoes. They look edible.

But after eating Shen Qiqiao's cooking, he really didn't have any interest in the tomato scrambled eggs he made!

Shen Qiqiao's tomato scrambled eggs are delicious and juicy. Tomatoes and eggs are almost fused together, regardless of you and me. There is a taste of tomato in the egg, and there is also the taste of egg in the tomato. After one bite, the mouth is full of rich aroma and flavor. Umami.

Aunt Deng ate one bite, and then took a second bite without stopping. Sometimes she even forgot to eat, so she just focused on eating vegetables.

Shen Qiqiao laughed when she saw how she was devouring it, then stepped forward and asked very gently: "Ma'am, is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious, you damn girl, you just have partiality, don't make it for me! I have to find something to eat myself!"

"Hey, ma'am, you've wronged me with your words. Who here doesn't know that you especially like tomato scrambled eggs? My dish is specially made for you!"

When Aunt Deng heard this, she felt relieved, but she still said unforgivingly: "Hmph, you girl has a conscience."

Shen Qiqiao despises her in her heart, I have nothing to do with you, what is conscience?But he said: "Yes, auntie, thank you for bringing me back last night, otherwise, I would probably be in danger again."

"Well, it's good to know! So you girl, give me more cooking in the future, make me happy, and then I can help you more!"

Aunt Deng's words were quite clear, Shen Qiqiao didn't lose her temper, she smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you are an old man here, I'm just a newcomer, naturally I should respect you more! "You old man, bah!
Shen Qiqiao said involuntarily: "Ma'am, what kind of food do you want to eat next time, just tell me, I will definitely make it for you!"

"Hmph, little girl, you're still sensible!" Mrs. Deng ate desperately, and ate up a large pot of scrambled eggs with tomatoes in a short while.

She wiped her mouth, then looked around to make sure there was no one there, and said to Shen Qiqiao secretly: "Girl, let me tell you something serious, our cottage is not easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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