Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 494 With this explanation, two people are also desperate!

Chapter 494 With this explanation, a certain person is also desperate!
Su Shi and Feng Liuyun were originally running along a mountain road, but when they suddenly saw a large army approaching ahead, especially seeing that the leader was Han Jiang, Feng Liuyun knew it was his own people who came to rescue them.

Then the two came over, and as soon as they arrived, they gave Gao Shun and Han Jiang a big gift—let them realize how they were trying to die before!

Gao Shun and Han Jiang did realize it, but they didn't believe it. That handsome man with a wicked face turned out to be that ugly monster, Ye Han?

Oh, no, it seems that the outline and figure are really similar?

Then they want to scold their mothers!
Damn, did this guy put paint on his face on purpose, just to... cheat them?

Whether it was Gao Shun, Han Jiang, or Su Shi, they all felt that Ye Han's face was painted...

"By the way, he shouldn't be able to hear what we said just now, right?"

"Ahem, it's really very light. It's so light that it can be heard from tens of feet (hundred meters) away."

Han Jiang pursed his lips, suddenly mentally prepared that he might be beaten up by Fatty.

Then he looked into the distance with a guilty conscience, Ye Han punched them left and right, and easily killed them, blood flowed like a river on the bandit mountain...

Most of these bandits were brought down by Ye Han, but a few were killed by officers and soldiers, but in the end a few were left alive for confession.

Gao Shun watched Ye Han walk out of the bandits covered in blood, his fat face turned black, uglier than his dead parents.

He glanced at Han Jiang next to him, but this guy didn't look too good.

"Cough, that son of a bitch, this subordinate, this subordinate is a little anxious to urinate, and wants...to go to the toilet..."

"Hey, Shizi, the next official also... has a stomachache, do you want to go to the toilet?"

Feng Liuyun is also a sluggish person, looking at the pale faces of his subordinates, he just wants to watch a good show.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Han was already full of murderous intent, Feng Liuyun smiled and said: "I'm afraid it's too late, but you can solve it on the spot?"


"You want to go to the bathroom?"

Ye Han's voice came through.

Gao Shun and Han Jiang felt a chill go down their spines, and they felt cold all over their bodies.

They immediately looked at Shen Qiqiao, wanting to look at this aunt for help.

It is estimated that this girl is the only one who can stop a certain devil's hair from going wild.

Unfortunately, Shen Qiqiao was on her man's side.

Ye Han looked at his little sweetheart softly, and then went to greet Gao Shun and Han Jiang.

"Just now, where did you say you wanted to catch me?"

Ye Han showed his white teeth and asked coldly.

It's just that he looks so handsome now, people who don't know think he is pretending to be cool now.

Of course, those who understand his temper are mourning for two big brothers at this moment.

Gao Shun: "Hey, then...well, did I say anything just now?"

Han Jiang: "Yes, yes, we just said that we want to capture a handsome young man from the bandits to send snacks to King Yu..."

Ye Han squinted at the two of them, and put his arms around his shoulders: "Oh, so aren't you talking about me?"

The two said in unison: "No, absolutely not!"

Then, they are tragic...


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"


Ye Han punched them one by one, turning the two of them into pig's heads, and said angrily, "I'm the only handsome guy in that place. You're not talking about me, but who are you talking about? Or do you think those bandits have big beards?" , looks more handsome than my young master?"


With this explanation, a certain two people are also very desperate...

(End of this chapter)

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