Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 499 Su Shi is about to die of anger!

Chapter 499 Su Shi is about to die of anger!


Han Jiang was startled, drew his sword suddenly, and looked at the grass.

Over there, a man in a state of embarrassment fell out. Upon closer inspection, he had exquisite curves and was actually a woman!

It's just that at this moment, blood is all over her body, especially her lower body, blood is constantly flowing out.

Behind her, there was a very, very long line of blood extending to the back continuously. It seemed that she had walked a lot and shed a lot of blood.

With a weak breath, she stretched out a bloody hand, and shouted with difficulty: "Save...save me..."

If Shen Qiqiao was here, she would definitely say: "No help!"

Because this woman covered in blood is exactly Xiao Hong who has been at odds with her in the bandit's den!
No matter what, Xiaohong became like this.

Han Yunshuang recognized Xiaohong in the past, and quickly said to Gao Shun: "Master Gao, she is also a miserable person who was captured by bandits, can you save her?"

Gao Shun glanced at her and saw the mess below her, so he sighed helplessly: "Sin, these gangsters are really sinful, they really deserve to be killed!"

Then he waved his hand and asked several officials to carry her, and then urged everyone to hurry. There is no doctor in front of the village or in the back of the store.

By noon, Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao had already walked out of Bailing Mountain.

At this time, the sun was scorching hot, and the horse was dizzy from the heat, unable to run, so Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao dismounted, holding the reins and walking slowly under the shade of the trees.

The sound of horseshoes came from behind, it was Su Shi and Feng Liuyun who caught up.

The two chased all the way, exhausted and out of breath, and finally saw Ye Han so leisurely, walking and chatting with the girl he liked in front of his head, and someone's little heart suffered another [-] points of damage!

Alas, there is no way to live this day!
"Brother Ye, your riding skills are really good. I think this son's riding skills are considered top-notch among many nobles, but compared with you, haha, it pales in comparison! After chasing all the way, it is getting farther and farther!"

"Master, you can't do this, you must let him in, right? After all, he is your savior!"

Su Shi chased up from behind, and then the dead duck was stubborn, just refusing to admit that Ye Han was better than him.

Ye Han glanced at him lightly, ignored him, but put his arms around Shen Qiqiao's small waist, and whispered in her ear: "Qiaoer, it's too hot here, let's go, let's go over there."

"Okay! Xiaohanhan, your forehead is full of sweat, come on, I'll wipe it off for you!"

"..." Su Shi jumped three feet high when he saw this scene, and threw himself on Feng Liuyun, clutching his chest and panting, "Oh, I can't do it, Shizi, I... my heart can't take it anymore, I feel I'm dying……"

Feng Liuyun was speechless: "Su Shi, what are you doing?"

"I... I feel uncomfortable, I have chest tightness and shortness of breath, I, I want to kill someone!"

Feng Liuyun: "...Who do you want to kill?"

"Whoever is the most flamboyant, I will kill him!"



A stone flew from a distance and just hit Su Shi, causing him to scream in pain, and then Ye Han's chilly voice sounded: "Then you commit suicide!"

Su Shi: "..." I really want to beat Ye Han fat, are you there?

The three leaned against the big tree here, hurting each other while enjoying the shade and waiting for others, and dozens of people behind gradually approached.

Ye Han went to the forest to pick some wild fruits, and Shen Qiqiao was peeling one by one, one for herself, and one for Ye Han, it was so sweet, Su Shi's eyes wanted to breathe fire.

"Hey, Xiaohanhan, they are here!"

Suddenly, Shen Qiqiao raised her head and saw Han Jiang's group in the distance, but it was strange that someone was carrying a stretcher behind her. By the way, who was injured?
(End of this chapter)

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