Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 522 Hit the Wall!

Chapter 522 Hit the Wall!

A-Xia has a bad temper, when she thought that because of Xiao Zhu's stupid girl, the boss might drive them all back, her face turned pale with fright, at the same time, she really wanted to rush in and beat Xiao Zhu hard.

But in the end he had to endure the bad breath, because the master didn't say anything, and he couldn't make up his own mind.

Shen Qiqiao was a little speechless looking at these people, she was talking about Xiao Zhu, why did they kneel down one by one?Kneeling to whom?
"What are you all doing? When did I say I would drive you away?"

"My lord, you... you don't chase people away?"

"Nonsense, let you go, who will do the work?" Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes directly, "I want to drive away, and that is also Xiaozhu, she doesn't know the dignity, she wants to commit crimes, it has nothing to do with you ?”

Ah Chun and the others really don't understand what a dime means.

But after hearing what the master said, the hanging hearts of the few people finally fell.

Over there, Xiaozhu continued to struggle, trying to jump out of the car, but unfortunately, Ye Han tied her tightly and couldn't move.

Shen Qiqiao chatted with her younger brother for a few words at the door, and then went in, because it was getting dark and they had to prepare for dinner.

When going in, Shen Qiqiao asked Achun and Axia to guard Xiaozhu so that no one would run away.

Run away only they are asking.

Ah Chun and A Xia were speechless, and they just took turns guarding her.

Xiao Zhu wanted to speak, but her mouth was blocked with a rag, so she couldn't make a sound. She could only wait for the dawn. Will she die tomorrow?

Xiao Zhu was desperate, she wanted to bite her tongue to kill herself, but it was useless because her mouth was blocked.

On the other side, Shen Qiqiao inspected her younger brother's studies.

I feel that this kid is young, but his mind is flexible, and he does his homework very well—of course, Shen Qiqiao can't understand it, but Song Qingshu and Ye Han can understand it!

This is, on the necessity of having a good man!
Shen Qiqiao now looks at Ye Han more and more pleasing to the eye, although this guy is sometimes skinny, but he is so cute!
In fact, this is the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Early the next morning, Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han took Xiaozhu and went to Yuequan Yahang.

There are not many customers at Yuequan Yaxing, but they are not too few. According to the needs of Fenglin County, there are only so many customers.

So, when the guard at the gate saw Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao coming in, he immediately stepped forward with a smile: "You two, ouch, your faces are so familiar, you should be regular customers."

"Oh, we've only been here once."

"Ah?" The corner of the little boy's mouth was stiff, but he recovered quickly, "Once, he was also a regular customer. Anyone who comes to my Yuequan Dental Shop to buy people is a distinguished customer..."

"Sorry, we're not here to buy people."

"What? It's not a buyer, so what are you doing?"



Ye Han grabbed the bamboo from the carriage and threw it heavily on the ground.

"This slave, who committed the crime below, actually wants to deceive the master. What about your boss, let him come out, and I will discuss with her how to deal with this slave."

"Huh? Next offense?"

As soon as the little girl heard this, her face became ugly, and she glared at Xiao Zhu viciously.

Their Yuequan dental shop cares most about appearance and reputation. If the minions sold are not good enough to be returned, it will affect their brand name, so generally the returned minions will end badly.

Therefore, it can be seen from Xiaoer's attitude that Xiaozhu's end will be miserable.

Xiaozhu seemed to realize it too, and suddenly he slammed into the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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