Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 547 Strict requirements!

Chapter 547 Strict requirements!
After teasing the other party, Ye Han returned to Shen Qiqiao's side like a normal person, poured a cup of tea, and served it to her: "After talking so much, drink some tea to moisten your throat."

"Well, thanks!"

Shen Qiqiao smiled and took the tea, not to mention, she was really thirsty again.

"Those who are eliminated can go out first!"

After the words fell, Adong and Aqiu came up to chase people away.

The wife of the Li family pushed A-Dong away and shouted: "Qiaoer, we are from the same village after all, you can't be so heartless, I didn't do anything wrong, didn't I just ask a question, why don't you let me I come to work?"

"Your question makes me very uncomfortable, it's that simple! A-Dong, see off!"

"Oh, you nonsense, stop, stop! Ah—"

The lady of the Li family wanted to struggle, but unfortunately, how could she compete with two strong men?Immediately he was pushed out the door.

Ye Han looked at the other two men, and said coldly, "Should I go by myself, or should I invite you?"

The two looked at each other, they really didn't dare to offend Ye Han, and immediately walked away in despair.

Shen Qiqiao was satisfied and continued.

"Okay, now come to the interview one by one, I will ask some questions about tea, and answer them honestly, don't be slippery, I can't see this!"

"I just did a job. As for this, it seems like I'm going to do something big."

There was a very small voice in the crowd, slightly dissatisfied.

Shen Qiqiao's ears were sharp, she heard it, followed the sound, and saw that it was a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

"You seem to have a lot of questions? That's fine, you come here first!"

Shen Qiqiao pointed at the boy and said.

She had no memory of this young man, he seemed to be from another village.

Um, outside the village?

Shen Qiqiao had a strange expression, and looked at the other party curiously.

The boy also looked at her.

Shen Qiqiao asked: "Aren't you here to work?"


"Then what you just said is a big mistake. Since you are working for others, no matter what kind of work it is, you must treat it with the most serious attitude!
What, is it true that your family's work is serious, and other people's work can be done carelessly?What is the use of a worker like you? "

When Shen Qiqiao said this, the boy blushed and felt hot.

Shen Qiqiao said again: "If you're not serious, which boss would dare to take you? Some people said just now that I'm great with a few filthy money.

Well, I am indeed remarkable. I live a good life with my skills, and now I want to lead the villagers in the village to live a good life together. If this is not great, what is it called?
Or, you all hang around all day, don't know what to do, and can't make enough wives to be a big deal, huh? "

The young man had already lowered his head after what Shen Qiqiao said, wishing he could burrow his head into the ground like an ostrich.

"Well, that's fine, you can go home and apply for the job next time!"


The young man was dumbfounded, this is... so out of the game?
This requirement is too strict, if there is a disagreement, why don't you let him go?

Shen Qiqiao naturally knew what was going on in his heart, she just smiled lightly on the side.

Is not it?In terms of workmanship, they are all strict first and then lenient. At the beginning, these people must be straightened out, so that they have an idea in their minds that they are the boss, and as employees, they should listen to the boss.

If you dare to contradict your boss nonsensically, then what are you doing here?

Don't go home early to nurse your child!

(End of this chapter)

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