Chapter 603
Matchmaker Wang held a red silk scarf, covered half of her mouth and face, and groaned, "How can we fix this without a high hall? In this ceremony, one worships the heaven and the earth, the second worships the high hall, and the husband and wife worship each other. This is missing two things." Paying homage to Gaotang..."

"Isn't it just a high hall? See if you are in a hurry, and then let Aunt Chen and Uncle Song help us hold it."

Ye Han snorted coldly, he didn't intend to let Ye Dahai and the others come to his wedding banquet, he always felt that if these people came, something would happen.

Matchmaker Wang was very surprised: "This... that's okay too? But what about welcoming the bride? Daughters-in-law usually receive their husband's house from their mother's house, and then enter the bridal chamber with a salute. You can't save the wedding ceremony, right?"

"No, save it!"

Shen Qiqiao didn't have any good impressions of the Shen family either, especially her grandfather Shen Ergou, who had never treated their family as human beings, and now that she was getting married, in order not to cause trouble, they must not be allowed to Come.

As a result, after the two combined, Gaotang was really gone, and the wedding ceremony seemed to be... gone?
"Isn't that impolite?"

Matchmaker Wang pursed her lips and muttered softly.

Ye Han stared at her: "I'm asking you, am I getting married or are you getting married? If you don't care, then get out, don't come to my house and chatter endlessly!"

"Aunt Chen, who did you find?"

Shen Qiqiao yawned and also complained.

Why, she wasn't ready, and came up to urge the marriage one by one. Even if she knew that Aunt Chen was kind, she was not happy, especially when she brought such a talkative matchmaker.

Embarrassed, Aunt Chen smiled embarrassingly, then stomped on Matchmaker Wang's foot to warn her.

Matchmaker Wang was in pain, but she didn't dare to say anything now, knowing that this is a big family in a small tea village, and the rules are really not up to her.

Speaking of which, Matchmaker Wang had the opportunity to be a matchmaker for Qiaoer's family because she was from Aunt Chen's family. If she were someone else, I'm afraid she wouldn't have such a blessing.

In the end, after much discussion and discussion, Shen Qiqiao came up with a plan.

Then all the six etiquettes are waived, and when the time comes, I will directly set up a wine table at my own house and entertain guests. As for the high hall, Shen Qiqiao finally decided on Wang Zhihuan.

As the leader of the small tea village, it is definitely honorable for him to be the high hall and co-organize the wedding.

Things and days here have been settled for the time being, and Matchmaker Wang will go back to make arrangements.

After Matchmaker Wang left, Shen Qiqiao put her hand on her forehead and felt a headache.

Once the time is set, there will be busy work next.

It was simple for her and Ye Han, they didn't need to prepare a dowry, but they still had to have a wedding dress.

The fabric has been bought, but someone needs to make it...

In ancient times, all women learned from female celebrities, and many people made Xinhu wedding dresses by themselves, but Shen Qiqiao... Ahem, she did needlework, but it was limited to making a button, so what about threading and embroidery? Like, ten knocks through nine orifices - nothing at all!

Noticing Shen Qiqiao's tangled expression, Ye Han asked curiously, "What's the matter, Qiaoer?"

"Ye Han, I... we are going to make a wedding dress..."

When Shen Qiqiao said this, her little face flushed red, she was very shy.

Ye Han stared at Shen Qiqiao with burning eyes, and smiled: "Okay, I should have asked them to make the wedding dress last time in Suzhou Embroidery Workshop."

"I don't want it!" Shen Qiqiao pursed her mouth, "Unlucky! I always meet Liu Ruxue in the Suzhou Embroidery Workshop! I don't even know if she and I are in conflict with each other? I always run into her and quarrel."

"Well, that's because she's jealous of your beauty!"

Ye Han spoke the truth.

Shen Qiqiao listened pleasingly: "Well, but I've thought about where I'm going to make a wedding dress!"

(End of this chapter)

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