Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 649 Merry Cloud is here too!

Chapter 649 Merry Cloud is here too!

"Oh, it's the county magistrate, really the county magistrate! God, what did I see? The county magistrate actually went to a small village like our Xiaocha Village to attend the wedding? God, I... my heart can't stand it."

"Don't take it anymore, hurry up and salute the county magistrate!"

"Meet the magistrate!"

Many villagers saluted Gao Shun immediately.

"Don't, don't, don't give me a salute, I'm here to have a wedding, just order it naturally, don't make things difficult for the host!"

When Gao Shun saw so many people kowtow to him, he was still very embarrassing.

Just suddenly, a chilly breath was released from a room in the distance, directly facing Gao Shun.

Gao Shun was so frightened that he didn't dare to pretend immediately, and immediately reached out to help the villagers.

As a result, this move shocked the villagers, who all praised the county magistrate for loving the people like a son, condescending to help the people, what a glorious image.

The corners of Gao Shun's mouth were about to twitch, these villagers are really... so enthusiastic and cute!
"Master Xu, Magistrate Gao!"

Jiang Yifan, Li Zhiqing, Gao Heshan and the others also arrived, and the three hurried up to greet Master Xu.

"Well, good!" Master Xu glanced at everyone, and suddenly frowned, "Where are Qing Shu and Mu'er? Where did these two brats go?"

"Master, Qing Shu went to carry the bride on the sedan chair, and Shen Mu also went."

"Oh yes, I forgot about that!"

Master Xu stroked his beard and smiled.

"Meet the master!"

Ye Han finally stood up and came to salute Master Xu.

He can ignore Gao Shun, but he must respect the master who preaches and accepts karma to solve doubts.

Master Xu responded, then looked at Ye Han, looked him up and down, and couldn't help but say in amazement: "Zhen is... a good-looking talent, with the spirit of a scholar full of knowledge, and the heroic spirit of a solid soldier, good!"

Ye Han was shy, so he was really embarrassed to praise him so much, so he hurriedly bowed again: "Master has praised him."

"Hehe, wherever, everything is telling the truth!"

Lu Lingyun also looked at Ye Han nakedly and undisguisedly, and finally came up with one sentence, it is really—a dragon and a phoenix among people!As expected of a person who looks [-]% similar to En Gong!

"Ah, master, don't praise him so much, praise Ye Han like this will make his tail stick to the sky!"

Suddenly, with a loud smile, Luo Qingyun came, talking and laughing at Ye Han with crooked eyebrows.

Ye Han's face darkened, and he cast a cold glance away, but unfortunately, Luo Qingyun didn't care at all, it seemed that his cotton clothes were gone, and he continued to babble endlessly.

Ye Han gritted his teeth, if it weren't for his wedding day, it would be difficult to do anything, otherwise Luo Qingyun would definitely be finished, and he would beat him into a pig's head.

However, Ye Han made a small black note in his heart, and when the banquet is over, I will have a good time with you!
"Look, someone from another village is here again. I don't know who it is, but they are sitting in such a luxurious carriage? God, it must be a dignitary!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed person in the crowd saw a light yellow carriage gradually approaching not far away.

On the cornices on both sides of the carriage, there are exquisite jade accessories hanging down, the door curtains are also made of the most luxurious brocade fabric, and the horse in charge of driving in front is also a hard-earned BMW!

People with dull eyes can't see it, but there are many people with sharp eyes.

Mrs. Xu, Gao Shun, and Lu Lingyun all recognized him. This is the son of the world, and Feng Liuyun has arrived!
The expressions on the faces of a group of people are very wonderful.

Shizi...is here too?

(End of this chapter)

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