Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 651 Collision!

Chapter 651 Collision!

"Oh, let me go, you guys should let me go, don't stand in our lady's way!"

"Hey, who is in the way, shall we come first?"

"What, it is clear that we have come over, you squeezed up from behind!"


The two teams of seeing off relatives huddled together on a narrow mountain road and started arguing.

"Wang Momo, let the other party go first, this stalemate will really delay time."

In the end, Shen Qiqiao patted the window of the sedan chair, signaling to let the other party go first.

Matchmaker Wang pursed her lips, a little reluctantly, but finally agreed to let them go first.

Sitting in the sedan chair, Shen Qiqiao felt a little uneasy for some reason, as if something was going to happen?

Because when she opened the curtain just now, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of a few figures passing by on the opposite mountain. Because the distance was too far and the light was not right, she couldn't see clearly for a while.

"Oh, really, why did I meet such an unreasonable person, I'm sorry!"

Matchmaker Wang was cursing at the side, criticizing Liu Ruxue's team.

Just talking, Wang Matchmaker's voice stopped abruptly.

next second!

"Ah - ouch - quick, hide!"

At the same time, there was a burst of noise from the front.

"Come on, hurry up, Miss Protection!"

"Where is this wild boar? Hurry up and stop it, don't let it run amok!"

"Ah, help, help!"

Ping Pong Pong...

A wild boar suddenly ran down the mountain and charged into the procession of sending the bride off while blowing the conch trumpet.

The originally well-organized team suddenly became disorganized.

Finally, a group of people worked together to subdue the wild boar, on the other side!

With a yelp, a big bull rushed towards the sedan chair covered in bright red brocade from the other side!



The team is in chaos again!

"Bring the red cloth, quickly bring a piece of red cloth, I will lead this cow away!"

An experienced farmer said, grabbed a piece of red cloth and played a bullfighting game, leading the crazy bull away little by little.

Only then did the team regain their composure.

But even so, the two sending teams were broken up and formed into a mess.

Sitting in the bridal sedan chair, Shen Qiqiao was turned around, her head was dizzy, the world was turned upside down just now!

It took a long time for the sedan chair to set off steadily again and send it to its destination.

It's just that Shen Qiqiao was so exhausted that she dozed off in a daze and couldn't hear the sound outside.


"Miss, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, you see that the lady is asleep, hurry up, don't smear the ink, and none of you will be able to get away if you delay the auspicious time!"

the other side.

"Girl? Girl?"

"Stop yelling, I'm probably asleep, and it's too late to yell over there!"

"Come, come, let the gongs and drums beat, and the trumpet blow, let's see off the bride happily!"

The two teams of seeing off relatives continued to go on the road happily.

As everyone knows, on a hilltop in the distance, a person severely beat a big tree below.

"Bastard, just a little bit, just a little bit almost killed that bitch, I hate it!"

"That's right, if the beast hadn't run out first to prepare those people, we would have succeeded in one blow and rushed directly to the sedan chair, ah, ah, God is not fair, we obviously arranged for that bull, where is it?" A pig coming out?"

(End of this chapter)

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