Chapter 661
"Qiaoer girl, wait!"

Someone shouted in the distance, it was Wang Zhihuan.

He came in a hurry with a cane on his hands.

"Girl Qiaoer, you want to leave without calling me?"

Wang Zhihuan pretended to be angry and said, but there was a gleam of crystal tears in his old eyes, and he was reluctant to let them go.

"Grandpa Lizheng, don't be sad, it's not that we won't come back, we're just leaving for a while."

Shen Qiqiao could see that Wang Zhihuan was not like this, so she quickly comforted him.

"Hmph, I don't know how to leave after the new year?"

"That's right, girl Qiaoer, it's your fault, why don't you leave after the new year?"

Then, Zhang Daniu's family, Wang Blacksmith's family, Liu Carpenter's family, several families heard that Shen Qiqiao was going to the county town, and they all came to see him off, and then the big guys complained.

Shen Qiqiao was quite speechless, and couldn't laugh or cry at the enthusiasm of the villagers, she quickly said: "Everyone, don't be like this, it's not like I won't come, I'd better go back to the village for the Chinese New Year, I just went to the county to do some business."


All the villagers immediately yelled, and then shouted: "Who, who has no brains to say that Qiaoer is going to leave the village? He is going to do business, really, it's alarmist!"

"That's right! Qiao'er is going to come back in good condition, as if she can't come back!"

"It's not what I said, why are you looking at me!"


The villagers blatantly yelled for a while before giving up, and then the big guy sent Shen Qiqiao to a small path at the entrance of the village, and then reluctantly watched them leave.

In the evening, they finally came to the courtyard where Shen Mu and Song Qingshu lived before.

This is a complex courtyard, similar to a three-entry courtyard, very spacious and luxurious.

In the yard, Ah Chun was cleaning the yard. When he saw his master coming in, he went up to meet them in surprise and led them into the yard.

Shen Qiqiao's family was tired from running around all day, so Xiaomei and Xiaolan cooked a meal, and after Shen Qiqiao ate, she fell asleep beautifully.

On the second day, Shen Qiqiao slept until dawn, and then went to Dongnan Street, a main road in Fenglin County, with Ye Han to find the shop that she had been looking forward to for a long time with a good location.

They had taken care of buying this shop before, but this time they came directly, and the person in charge of the shop immediately transferred the shop to them, which was very clean and tidy.

All the decorations in the shop have been done, the layout is neat and elegant, Shen Qiqiao made a rough sketch, where to put the mask, which side to put lipstick, which side to put eye shadow...

Seeing that Shen Qiqiao was so busy, Ye Han's eyes showed tenderness and pity, and he turned around to boil a pot of hot water and make a cup of black tea.

"Girl, take it easy, don't get too busy!" I will feel bad!

"Hey, don't worry, I'm just busy for a while!"

Shen Qiqiao blinked her big eyes, and took a sip of the hot black tea.

If it wasn't for Ye Han's reminder, she almost forgot, and she suffered from a busy occupational disease again.

In the previous life, he died from overwork, did not fall in love and gave birth to a child, and was lonely. In this life, he cannot repeat the same mistakes.

Well, loneliness will not be lonely anymore, because of Ye Han.

After Shen Qiqiao roughly laid out the shop, she and Ye Han went back home.

On the second day, he rested in the mansion for a day, and on the third day, he went to the county government office to look for Gao Shun.

Gao Shun was also looking for Shen Qiqiao, Liu Ruxue saw that she couldn't find Shen Qiqiao, so she begged someone to come to her uncle Gao Shun.

Gao Shun is also quite helpless!
(End of this chapter)

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