Chapter 665
"what are you thinking about?"

Shen Qiqiao sent Feng Liuyun and Han Yunshuang away, and when she came in, she saw Ye Han sitting there tapping her fingers on the table, seeming to be thinking.

"Huh? I didn't think about anything."

"Nonsense, you are clearly thinking about something!"

Shen Qiqiao stared, she could clearly see that Ye Han was thinking about two things.

Immediately she thought: "Are you thinking about Feng Shizi?"


Ye Han responded, it is undeniable.

"She is the eldest son, a person of status, and she probably won't treat him badly if she joins the army! Well, I'm a little worried about him. What does that sentence come back alive mean? Is he worried that he will die in battle?"

Shen Qiqiao muttered softly, but Ye Han remained silent.

He knew that Shen Qiqiao was a person who valued friendship, and she was the kind who could do anything to her friends.

She regards Feng Liuyun as a friend, so naturally she doesn't want any accidents with him.

But the problem is... Now it's a battle in the court, and he even wonders, can Feng Liuyun come back alive?

"Qiaoer, don't think about such troublesome things, it's getting late, it's time to rest."

Ye Han's eyes were burning, and while speaking, he had already wrapped his arms around her slender waist.

"Ye Han!"

Shen Qiqiao gently leaned against his spacious and warm arms, and said in a faint voice, "Don't leave me!"

Women take care of Xiaojia, men take care of everyone, Shen Qiqiao thinks that she is not a real man, all she wants is a warm little family!

"Well, no!"

Ye Han's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said cautiously.

Shen Qiqiao was so sweet, she hugged Ye Han, and the two of them went into the house, went through the wind and rain, watched the clouds rise and fall...

Guangling County is located in the south of the Dagan Dynasty. The climate here is warmer than that in the north. The north has been frozen three feet early, and the snow is flying all over the sky. However, Guangling County can still only see some continuous rain.

Cold, but very cold, the damp cold unique to the south, a kind of cold that penetrates into the bone marrow.

Shen Qiqiao asked someone to put a warm basin in the room, burn some charcoal fire, close the doors and windows, and it will be better.

But after a while, she immediately went to open the window, after all, if the charcoal fire is not completely burned, it will produce carbon monoxide, which will kill the human body if inhaled!

Even with modern medical technology, if a person has been poisoned by carbon monoxide for too long, it cannot be saved, let alone ancient times.

Ye Han came in from the outside, shook off the cloak on his body, patted the little snowflakes left on it, and said with a smile: "Qiaoer, it's snowing outside. It's rare, we rarely see snow here."

Seeing that he was very happy, Shen Qiqiao hummed lightly, but her hands were trembling badly, so she put them in her bosom.

Ye Han noticed her little movement, stepped forward, and moved her little hand into his arms: "Cold? Won't you tell me? I'll cover you!"

Ye Han was like a stove, scorching hot, Shen Qiqiao was quite comfortable being held by him, and the coldness in her body gradually disappeared.

In the end, staring at this handsome and monstrous man, Shen Qiqiao rushed forward without hesitation and threw him down...

Ye Han: "..." Ma'am, this is the one-hundred and first time since winter you threw him down!

Looking at the resentful eyes of a certain man below her, Shen Qiqiao didn't take it seriously, who made you radiate heat all over your body, you deserve to be used as a stove!
She squinted and looked at her man: "You, dare you not let me sleep?"

Ye Han looked pitiful: "...don't dare!"

Well, it’s right not to dare!
A certain girl laughed, went up, stripped, ate, wiped clean!


(The cold mentioned above, I think people who live in the south feel it, either it is not cold, or it will kill you when it gets cold~ So, our heroine can only hug the warm baby around her all day~)

(End of this chapter)

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