Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 672 Who is this person?

Chapter 672 Who is this person?

"Qiaoer, go back! It's too cold today!"

Ye Han thought about it carefully, but still couldn't grasp what that strange emotion was. Seeing that the person had gone far away, he urged Shen Qiqiao to go home.

He will feel distressed if he is frozen!

Shen Qiqiao replied: "Okay, I'll go and collect the money first, then I'll go home!"

Just as he was talking, he suddenly felt another faint sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

Surprised, she turned slightly.

In the distance, at the end of the vast expanse of white snow, the figures of two steeds gradually emerged, and they came towards here quickly!

These two people went back and forth?
Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han looked at each other, both felt very strange, riding around on a hard-earned BMW in winter, is it a show or something in the brain?
Just as he was thinking, the two horses actually stopped when they heard a sound not far from their shop.

Lingjun Qi Fei got off his horse and walked towards their shop.

Shen Qiqiao was afraid of the cold, so she had already hid in the shop, when she saw this weird middle-aged man coming in, she stared at him curiously, and looked him up and down.

At first glance, he couldn't see it, and was about to step forward to scold him, but Lingjun Qi raised his hand to stop him.

Ye Han saw this scene in his eyes, and became even more curious about the identity of this man.

To be able to ride a bloody BMW must be a well-known figure, not a civil servant, that is a general, a general...

Shen Qiqiao and Ye Han looked at each other again, becoming more and more curious about this man's identity, and had a vague answer in their hearts, but they didn't dare to believe it.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Shen Qiqiao hurriedly went up to her with a smile: "Uncle, this is a rouge gouache store, did you enter the wrong place?"

These two people were not friendly, Shen Qiqiao's first thought was to drive them away.

Money that shouldn't be earned, can't be earned!
When Ling Junqi heard the sound of uncle, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask, otherwise the boy Chu Yi would have secretly laughed secretly when he saw his master's embarrassing expression.

Lingjun Qi said lightly: "Open the door to welcome guests, is this how the proprietress receives guests?"

Ye Han felt uncomfortable hearing this, and said coldly: "My wife told me that this is a rouge and gouache store, and you entered the wrong place!"

Alright, blatantly driving people away!
A cold smile appeared on the corner of Lingjun Qi's mouth, he turned around, picked up a small ceramic jar and said calmly, "Buy it for my wife, can't you?"

"Yes! Your Excellency took rose rouge, 100 taels a box!"


The smile on Ling Junqi's face was stiff, and the ceramic pot in his hand was even slightly crunching!

Suddenly, he turned around, knocked the ceramic jar into the air, and fell towards Shen Qiqiao in the air!
Shen Qiqiao never expected a sudden change!


Ye Han reacted immediately, his eyes turned scarlet instantly, he pounced on him, shielding Shen Qiqiao behind him, and punched with his left hand!


The ceramic pots shattered and scattered all over the place!

Ye Han was furious, no matter what the status of the man, he dared to hurt his Qiao'er, that would be a dead end!
Ye Han roared angrily, swung his fists and rushed towards Lingjun Qi.

Lingjun Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, with a half-smile on his face, seeing Ye Han rushing, his figure remained motionless, he just raised his hand slightly!


Ye Han's fist slammed into the palm of the opponent's hand. The blow with all his strength was like hitting a ball of cotton, and all his internal energy was gone!

Ye Han was shocked, his complexion changed slightly!
(End of this chapter)

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