Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 677 Success, give them another chance!

Chapter 677 Success, give them another chance!
Ye An's face was red and he was a little embarrassed. He thought for a long time before he said, "Ye Han, you know, New Year's Eve is also a reunion night, I think, think..."

"Do you want your parents to come to my house to watch the New Year together?"

Shen Qiqiao is very smart, she can see through Ye An's mind immediately.

Ye An's face turned even redder, he was ashamed and suppressed, in fact, this was first proposed by Ye Dahai and his wife, and Ye An is a filial son, thinking that he couldn't let his parents celebrate the New Year by himself?

As children, we should indeed let them watch the year together and have a good year.

Ye Han remained silent, his eyes turned slightly, but they were lowered. No one knew what he was thinking now.

Seeing that the atmosphere was awkward, Aunt Chen quickly smoothed things over: "Ye An, you really are, don't make Ye Han unhappy on a festive day!"

The virtues of Ye Dahai and his wife, and how mean they were to Ye Han in the past, the whole village can see. To be honest, Aunt Chen doesn't like Ye Dahai's coming to Qiao'er's house very much, otherwise there will be troubles What a moth?

"Third brother, I know this matter is a bit forced, but at least it is our parents. The old people say that there is no such thing as a parent in the world. My parents really begged me sincerely, I..."

Ye Dahai couldn't go on talking, Wei shared her husband's worries and said: "Third brother, give them a chance, let's have a happy reunion year together?
At the beginning of your wedding with Qiaoer, they were not allowed to be high halls. Parents always remembered that it was a pity. This time, they want to come to celebrate the New Year, so as to make up for the regret in their hearts. "

"Heh, do you dare to let them be the high hall? Such an important event is only once in a lifetime. If they are pope, I will not forgive them even if I beat them to death!"

Anyway, they are not my biological parents, so what are you afraid of?
"..." Ye An choked, not knowing what to say?

As the eldest son, how could he not understand his parents' temper, coming to Ye Han's house was nothing more than eating and drinking, if he really let them do high school, he probably wouldn't sincerely bless them.

"Xiaohan, according to Uncle Wang, let them have a meal. You didn't call them when you got married last time, and you didn't call them this time during the Chinese New Year. It doesn't make sense, and someone will poke your spine in the back."

The three brothers of the Wang family appeared out of nowhere, just in time to hear the conversation between Ye Han and Ye An, and the boss Wang came up to persuade them.

"Yes, it is said that filial piety comes first, no matter how many parents you have, it's your parents, you can't really never get along with each other?"

Wang Laoer also advised so.

Ye An looked at Ye Han expectantly.

Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, just listen to my elder brother and my uncles. I will give them one last chance to come to my house for the New Year!"

Ye Han announced the decision.

Ye An breathed a sigh of relief, he happily thanked Ye Han, and immediately took his wife and children to tell his parents the good news.

Just after he left, Ye Han called Aqiu and Xiaomei to tell them something in secret.

Not long after, Ye Dahai's family came.

Before I saw anyone, I heard Ye Jing's voice: "Wow, I finally have a big house to live in! I finally have meat tonight!"

Then I saw Ye Jing running in noisily.

Ye Han frowned calmly, ignored it, turned around and went to the kitchen with Shen Qiqiao to cook.

After all, there are so many people eating at his house tonight, I'm afraid he has to make a lot of food, so he can't let his Qiaoer work alone, as a big man, he should help.

On the other side, Ye Jing and Sun looked at each other and smiled, revealing a thief's smile.

(End of this chapter)

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