Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 708 The stomach is a little smaller!

Chapter 708 The stomach is a little smaller!
Before this marriage was changed, it would have been yellow if it was dirty. Anyway, Han Yunshuang didn't like her parents arranging her marriage.

Although marriage is the order of parents and the matchmaker's words, Han Yunshuang is an exception. She only wants to find a man she likes to marry, so she was opposed to this marriage at first.

But later, she took a trip to Fenglin County, met Feng Liuyun, and fell in love with him inexplicably, and she didn't even know why?

So when her father told her that she was going to cancel her marriage with the Marquis of Ding'an, Han Yunshuang had been depressed for half a year.

Shen Qiqiao clicked her tongue in surprise, although she felt ashamed of Mr. Governor's actions, but this was family affairs after all, Shen Qiqiao couldn't say anything for a while.

"Sister Qiao'er, do you think it's easy for me to like someone? It's hard to find someone who looks right, but my father doesn't agree. Woohoo, why, why can't we choose the person we want to love?"

Han Yunshuang held Shen Qiqiao's hand, weeping.

Shen Qiqiao noticed that the bags under her eyes were a bit deep, as if she had been crying for a long time. It seemed that Han Yunshuang had been heartbroken for her father's decision for a long time.

"Sister Yunshuang, your parents did this for your own good."

"What's good for me? They're all lies! They're just looking at the benefits, and they'll marry whoever my marriage can bring them!"

Han Yunshuang shook off Shen Qiqiao's hand, turned her face away and didn't want to pay attention to her, why did sister Qiao'er help her parents to talk?

Shen Qiqiao had no choice but to shake her head and said, "Where is Shizi now?"

"Where else can I go? I've gone to the north."

"Isn't that right? My son went to the northern battlefield, and his life is in danger at any time. I think your parents don't want you to regret it in the future."

"I don't regret it, and I don't regret it even if I die! I was going to go with him, but my parents shrank me in the woodshed, woo woo..."

Shen Qiqiao was astonished, she couldn't tell that Han Yunshuang, who was usually gentle, virtuous, and weak woman, actually hid such a strong heart, for the sake of love, she was willing to go to the battlefield with the man she loved?
Han Yunshuang cried and cried, and suddenly said: "I hate them! They broke us up so cruelly!"

Shen Qiqiao: "Sister Yunshuang has thought about it, if you follow, will it bring trouble to the son instead?"

"How can there be trouble? I can take care of his daily life, and it's too late for convenience. How can there be trouble?"

"But sister Yunshuang, women are not allowed on the battlefield."

According to the rules of the past dynasties, Tibetan women are not allowed in the barracks.

Han Yunshuang blinked, she really forgot about this.

"Sister Qiao'er, but I'm really worried about him, and I really want to be with him right now, even if I die, I'm willing!"

"Sister Yunshuang, how about this, when I give birth to a child, I will go to the north with you to find our man."


When Han Yunshuang was pleasantly surprised, she screamed suddenly: "Sister Qiaoer, you, you...are you pregnant?"

"Yeah, it's been almost five months!"

Shen Qiqiao touched her slightly raised belly, and said sweetly.

"Five months?" Han Yunshuang looked her up and down in amazement, "I can't see it, I thought you only had three months, and it stands to reason that five months shouldn't be such a small stomach..."


Shen Qiqiao was embarrassed, she looked down at her belly.

Indeed, it is still very flat, and you can only feel a little curvature when you touch it with your hands. Logically speaking, this should not be a five-month pregnant belly.

No wonder Han Yunshuang was surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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