Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 761 You follow me!

Chapter 761 You follow me!
Yu Chiheng stared at Ye Han for a long time without making a sound.

The people on the side did not dare to show their anger, for fear that the Generalissimo would be angry.

Only Ye Han wasn't nervous at all, he just felt uncomfortable.

"What is the Marshal staring at me? I have no money on my face!"

Yu Chiheng was slightly taken aback, he almost regarded Ye Han as a prince just now.

He hurriedly collected his thoughts, and said, "Your name is Ye Han, right? Well, I now appoint you as the vanguard major general to follow me!"


Ye Han was surprised.

Liu Duwei, General Deng and others also showed surprise.

Just glanced at it like that?
Just appoint such an enviable military position?This is to promote him?

In an instant, countless eyes of envy, jealousy and hatred swept towards Ye Han.

Only Ye Han was not surprised at all, but frowned: "Why did the Marshal choose me? I'm just a soldier..."

"Eyes, that's all!"


Well, this reason makes people unable to refute.

Among the crowd, Feng Liuyun was also shocked.

This time he came with the army, he was very uneasy, and he didn't know what danger was waiting for him ahead. His heart was ashamed, but after seeing Ye Han, his eyes lit up.

For some reason, when he saw Ye Han, he felt inexplicably confident that after this battle, he would definitely be able to go back alive and see Yunshuang alive!

Ye Han and others welcomed the 20 troops to Shanyu Pass.

After a simple clean-up, Yu Chiheng and several generals and captains were discussing the next matters in the huge tent.

Yu Chiheng said: "This time, the emperor ordered me to take down the Northern Turks before the cold winter. After all, after the cold winter, marching on the northern grasslands is very difficult.

Especially after the heavy snowfall, it is difficult to save half a step.In this way, the enemy army will be given time to breathe, and we will have to retreat temporarily, and wait until the spring of the next year to attack again. "

After saying this, someone immediately said: "Marshal, don't worry, we have gunpowder this year, and we will definitely defeat the enemy and enter Northern Turkic in one fell swoop!"

"That's right, this kid Ye Han has actually concocted such a weapon with astonishing lethality. As long as we have enough raw materials, we can bombard the enemy directly, hahaha!"

When the generals talked about Ye Han's gunpowder, their faces were filled with excitement, and they were very excited.

Yu Chiheng nodded: "I've also researched that gunpowder, and it's really good. With it, it will be much easier for us to attack the city. At that time, enough gunpowder will be piled up at the corner of the city gate, and the city gate will definitely be blown down!"

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Han: "Boy, the Holy Majesty knows about your idea, and the Holy Majesty will reward you greatly when the victorious squadron returns to court!"

"Thank you Marshal for your support!"

"It doesn't matter, in my Great Qian Dynasty, if there is an army attack, you can be promoted. Contributing to the Great Qian Dynasty will definitely not do without your benefits. It is yours, and no one can take it away!"

He didn't dare to snatch it even if he wanted to. This kid looks so similar to the prince. If it wasn't for the son of the prince who died in the sea of ​​fire that year, he almost thought it was that child.

But not necessarily, maybe it was an illegitimate child?

If Lingjun Qi knew about Yu Chiheng's thoughts, he would definitely strangle him to death!
"Marshal, in fact, Ye Han not only invented gunpowder, but also developed a method of healing seriously injured soldiers, which can reduce the casualties of our soldiers by half."

(End of this chapter)

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