Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 783 Master Tian!

Chapter 783 Master Tian!
There was a pool of blood on the ground.

Several women who framed Shen Qiqiao were spanked and screamed continuously.

Shen Qiqiao walked slowly in front of them and threw a piece of silver over.

The silver was splashed on the ground, shining a silver light.

The women were howling and crying in pain, but when they saw the silver rolling on the ground, they all forgot the pain and opened their eyes wide!

"you you……"

"Tell me, who ordered you?"

"No... no one..."

"It's a young man!"

The two voices sounded at the same time, but their words were completely different.

The woman who said there was no one glared fiercely at the man who told the truth, so angry: "You are talking nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, Mrs. Ye, give me the money, and I'll tell you who ordered it!"

"Hey, why are you like this? That young master gave us benefits, but you actually betrayed him!"

"Hmph, it's a fool to have money and not make money, but I'm not that stupid!"

The woman snorted coldly and said again.

Shen Qiqiao has already noticed that these people are clearly acquainted, but the main reason is that their hearts are not in harmony. Some people are satisfied and some are not. As long as people's hearts are not enough, someone will naturally betray the original owner.

Shen Qiqiao smiled, what she wants is this effect, as long as the problem can be solved by money, she will never use other violent methods.

"Take it and say it!"

Shen Qiqiao kicked the silver to the woman, said coldly.

For this kind of person who is open to money and has no principles, she looks down on her, and naturally she will not respect her, after all, people are more important than themselves.

"It's a young man, quite handsome, by the way, others call him Young Master Tian!"

"Master Tian?"

"That's right, that's Young Master Tian!"

"Okay, I get it!"

Shen Qiqiao waved her hand, then ignored these people, but went into the court, and told the governor Mr. Han about the matter.

Mr. Han stroked his beard and frowned. Master Tian, ​​could it be... that?
His face was gloomy, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "This matter is still to be discussed. When I order someone to investigate, I will give this girl an explanation."

"Thank you, Lord Inspector!"

Shen Qiqiao actually knew that the other party was making excuses, that young master Tian might be very unusual, and looking at the governor, it seemed that he didn't want to offend the other party.

She is a smart woman who knows how to advance and retreat, and immediately responded to Mr. Han's words without saying anything.

After leaving the court, Han Yunshuang appeared from a corner and chased after him.

"Sister Qiaoer, how is the situation?"

Although she was the governor's daughter, she was not qualified to enter the courtroom where the case was tried, so she had to wait for Shen Qiqiao and the others to come out before questioning.

Shen Qiqiao told the truth about the matter in the courtroom, Han Yunshuang frowned slightly: "This young master Tian, ​​is it possible that he is the son of Sima Shi Tiangui, Tian Chenfeng?"

"Sima Shi?"

"Yes, there is a Sima Shi in Guangling County whose surname is Tian, ​​and his son is named Tian Chenfeng. I think it is him who makes my father not want to investigate. After all, he is the son of a colleague, and no one wants to make the relationship stalemate. "

Although Sima Shi's official position is three levels lower than that of the governor, he is an official appointed by the imperial court after all, and he can make small and small.

"Okay, I know, sister Yunshuang, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter with Sister Qiaoer, just say it!"

Shen Qiqiao was in a bit of a dilemma, but she still expressed her thoughts.

Han Yunshuang opened her eyes wide, showing shock, but after a long time, she nodded: "Okay, I'll check it out, if it's really him, then follow your plan!"

If this is really the case, then it is hoped that she will leave this place safely!

(End of this chapter)

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