Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 811 She's Pregnant!

Chapter 811 She's Pregnant!

"Siblings? Qiao'er, hey, what's wrong with you, why don't you leave?"

Luo Qingyun walked forward, but saw that Shen Qiqiao hadn't followed, and when she turned around, she was stunned in place.

Luo Qingyun was so surprised that she went up and pulled her.


"He...how is it him again?"


Luo Qingyun was confused, following Shen Qiqiao's line of sight, at the end of the snow-covered street, two black and red bloody BMWs gradually emerged.

Like standing out from the crowd, stand out from the crowd at once!

Although Luo Qingyun had never met Lingjun Qi, but he was riding on a horse, with that dashing figure and the noble aura exuding from his whole body, he knew that this person had a lot of background.

Seeing that Shen Qiqiao was a little nervous, she became even more suspicious, who is this galloping person?
Shen Qiqiao saw Lingjun Qi, and Lingjun Qi also noticed her.

Although there are still many pedestrians on both sides, both sides are too familiar with each other, and they can recognize each other with just a glance.

Lingjun Qi saw Shen Qiqiao at a glance, and after scanning his eyes, he also noticed Luo Qingyun. He thought she had listened to his persuasion and left Ye Han.

However, when he looked closely again, he was so shocked that he almost fell off his horse.


He quickly tightened the reins and stopped the galloping horse.

"Ahhh, ouch!"

On the first day of junior high school, he was careless and almost ran into Ling Junqi, who was braking suddenly. At the critical moment, he turned around and fell to the ground by himself...

Ling Jun Qi was completely unaware of what was going on behind him, at this moment, he was staring at Shen Qiqiao in shock.

This girl is...pregnant!

Pregnant, already... November!
Far beyond the period of a normal woman's pregnancy in October!

"It's only been a year since I went to southern Xinjiang, and the fetus in this womb is already in November. So, after I left, she was pregnant with an heir..."

A strange look flickered in Lingjun Qi's eyes.

"Strange, the dead energy in her body is gradually disappearing? The fetus in the womb has not absorbed the dead energy. What's going on?"

Even if he is as clever as Lingjun Qi, he can't see why at this moment.

Lingjun Qi looked at Shen Qiqiao, and Shen Qiqiao was also looking at him boldly.

This man is still the same as a year ago. He has an air of dignity that is not angry and self-imposing, and every gesture of his hands makes him feel submissive.

Standing here, she has used a lot of strength, and her palms are already covered with sweat.

At this moment, the other party got off his horse and walked towards her.

Shen Qiqiao's heart became even more tense, as if it was going to jump into her throat.

It wasn't that she was afraid of anything, but the power emanating from the other party, which oppressed her severely.

She knew that this was the power condensed by someone in a high position who had been influenced by the supreme power all the year round!
Commonly known as the aura!

Shen Qiqiao silently watched him walking towards her, but she couldn't move her body!

Luo Qingyun was worried that this person would hurt Shen Qiqiao, and was about to step forward to stop her, but was forced by the opponent's aura, retreated repeatedly, and finally spit out blood!

Shen Qiqiao was annoyed: "Don't hurt him!"

Ling Jun Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "I didn't hurt anyone, he was tired by me."

Shen Qiqiao was astonished, and immediately understood what he meant: she was eager to save people, so she suffered a backlash!

Shen Qiqiao: "What do you want?"

Lingjun Qi glanced at the Huangcui Tower on the side: "Go into the building and talk."

Shen Qiqiao: "Okay!"

She knew she didn't have the right to say "no".

(End of this chapter)

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