Chapter 813

"Brother Qingyun, no matter what happens, I will never leave Ye Han, will I?"

"Eh? Yes, brother and sister, are you okay? By the way, what did that bastard do to you? I, I... I will go to him desperately!"

"Brother Qingyun, he didn't do anything to me, Nong, he just treated me to a meal!"

At this time, the food was already served, Shen Qiqiao didn't want Luo Qingyun to be distracted, so she let him have a meal, then called the maid again, and served some more dishes.

As soon as Luo Qingyun saw eating, he forgot about his previous troubles and unhappiness, and started to devour it.

But Shen Qiqiao couldn't be happy no matter what.

She thought of Lingjun Qi's reminder to her.

Just because he doesn't meddle in their affairs doesn't mean others won't.

My man is so powerful, he will definitely make great achievements, and when he comes back from victory, how many dignitaries will want to marry him?
Um, is he reminding her of this?
Shen Qiqiao is a woman, she has a very keen sixth sense, coupled with some palace and house fighting dramas she watched in her previous life, she quickly figured it out.

Well, it must be so!

Hmph, she gritted her teeth, she is not afraid of you even if you are jackals, tigers, leopards, ghosts and monsters, no one can try to separate her and Ye Han, unless...unless he has a change of heart!

Ye Han, will you change your mind?
Shen Qiqiao rubbed her stomach, feeling sore again.

With such a freak, she was flustered.


Shen Qiqiao suddenly realized that if this man could see the death energy in her body, could he be able to see the condition of the fetus in her womb?

"and many more!"

Shen Qiqiao shouted, trying to chase her out.

But where can I still catch up?
He stayed for a long time, but Lingjun Qi moved very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, even the shadow of the horse disappeared.


Shen Qiqiao stomped her feet depressedly, how could she be so stupid at that time, forgetting to ask such an important matter?

But it's useless to regret.

"Sister, why are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time!"

Shen Mu came in, and now he is a 13-year-old handsome boy, because he is well fed and dressed, so he looks 1.5 meters tall, with bright eyes and white teeth, fair skin, very seductive.

Seeing her younger brother coming, Shen Qiqiao didn't want to express too much emotion, she restrained her mind and said, "Mu'er doesn't go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, so what do you want to do with my sister?"

"Sister, Chunwei is about to open, I have to make preparations, ahem, I'm short of money..."

Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes, she knew that this younger brother must be looking for her for money.

Of course, Shen Qiqiao never blinked an eye towards her precious brother, she knew what he was doing.

Not to mention pens, inks, papers and inkstones, sometimes you need money to take part in some poetry meetings or something to improve your knowledge.

"I heard that this year Zhou Changshi's mansion will hold a riddle lantern show for the Lantern Festival. Do you want to go too?"

"Hey, sister Ruo who knows me, this year's Chunwei exam questions, Zhou Changshi also has a share, maybe I can touch some of the questions!"

"Hmph, you brat, you don't look old, why are you thinking so deeply? It's alright, alright, be careful when you go this time. Don't be too ostentatious. It must be destroyed, sister doesn't want you to be so prominent when you are young, it will cause others to be jealous!"

"Sister, I know, I will pretend to be stupid!"


Shen Qiqiao couldn't help laughing, yes

(End of this chapter)

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