Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 864 He wants this position, it's easy

Chapter 864 He wants this position, it's easy
Everyone was startled, and turned their heads to look outside the hall.

There, a tall and tall figure walked slowly, and the guards gave way one after another wherever they passed.


"King Yongling?"

Inside the Jinluan Palace, all the ministers were startled. They never expected that King Yongling would return to Shengjing?

You know, ever since he lost his beloved son that night and the princess became seriously ill, he has never set foot in Shengjing for 20 years!

Now, he is here!

What was even more unexpected was that the first thing he did when he came to Shengjing was to intervene in this matter?

This made all the ministers feel a little uncomfortable.

The emperor Mu Jingrui was also startled for a moment, Lingjun Qi came to Shengjing suddenly, he, the emperor, didn't even know it at the first time?
The atmosphere became subtle.

But he was the emperor after all, he quickly recovered from the shock, and said with a smile: "Why did King Yongling come to Shengjing suddenly? It really surprised me!"

"I'm bored, just come and walk around."

Lingjun Qi smiled slightly, walked in calmly with one hand behind his back.

The atmosphere in the hall froze in an instant.

From the moment King Yongling appeared, the attention of all the officials fell on him, Ye Han, Ye Dahai and the others completely became a supporting landscape wall.

Mu Jingrui lost his temper when Lingjun Qi said a word, and said with a sneer: "Is the king of Yongling really just here for a walk? Why did he come to the palace? There are many things in the palace, so I'm afraid it's not a good place to relax."

The implication is that Ling Jun Qi should not come to the palace.

"Of course I came to visit the emperor."

Lingjun Qi gradually came to the front of the hall, staring deeply at Mu Jingrui.

Looking directly at the current Holy Majesty, this is a very rude act, but none of the surrounding ministers jumped out to criticize, and they were already suppressed by the aura exuding from him.

Mu Jingrui felt uncomfortable being watched by him for a while, and at the same time felt a little guilty: "Is the princess okay?"

Lingjun Qi smiled slightly: "It's okay."

Mu Jingrui coughed lightly in embarrassment: "Jun Qi, I was helpless back then, and when I thought about it later, I regretted it quite a bit. If I could make another choice again, I definitely wouldn't..."

"Your Majesty, the past is over, don't mention it again, it's better to be optimistic about the present, and don't make any decisions that you regret."

Lingjun Qi not only had something in his words, but also ran back Mu Jingrui's words of wanting to repair the relationship between the two, and stood sideways among the officials.

The courtiers on both sides immediately stepped aside to make way for him.

This scene made Mu Jingrui, who was behind the Long Case, squeeze tightly with his hands hidden in his sleeves.

Back then, Lingjun Qi Gu Nian, who had grown up with him for many years, did not argue with him when he committed the rebellious act of killing his brother and imprisoning his father.

If Lingjun Qi said "no", he might not be able to sit securely on the throne, right?

However, in the fire that year, he did not leave the hope of life to his only Chu Yun, but to his beloved concubine. This is also the reason why Lingjun Qi no longer paid attention to him and broke with him. .

Thinking about it now, as an emperor, he has three thousand beauties in the harem, even if he is as noble as a queen, he can't compare with his Chu Yun.

One wrong step, one wrong step, Lingjun Qi has been overly sad these years and ignored world affairs, but seeing him suddenly standing in front of him and smiling at him, Mu Jingrui actually had a creepy feeling?

Is this to settle with him?
Lingjun Qi is unpredictable in terms of means, and in terms of prestige, the whole country regards him as a legend. If he wants the throne, it will be easy?
(End of this chapter)

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