Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 880 Make clothes!

Chapter 880 Make clothes!
Not long after Ye Han's family moved into the General's Mansion, people came to visit them one after another.

Of course, most of them are military generals, and very few civil servants.

This is not because there is a struggle between the civil and military groups, but because the imperial court does not allow it.

Dagan learned the lessons of the previous dynasty and made good arrangements for both the civil official group and the military general group.

In the past, there were dynasties that emphasized culture over military affairs, which resulted in a shortage of generals. When the enemy invaded, they didn't even have the power to resist.

There are also dynasties that value martial arts and despise literature, which leads to the infinite expansion of the power of military generals, and finally evolves into the rebellion of major military generals for selfish desires, and the overthrow of huge dynasties.

Therefore, the Dagan Dynasty neither emphasized literature nor martial arts, and maintained a relative balance between the two. At the same time, it did not allow civil servants and military generals to have too close actions, so as to avoid the collusion of Wenzhiwugong and usurpation of the country.

Ye Han actually didn't want to receive people, because it was too troublesome, but the people who came were all comrades from the previous battlefield, so he had to meet him.

Ma Yuan, Deng Jugong, Liu Duwei, Li Duwei...

Even Yu Chiheng is here!

In fact, both Ma Yuan and Deng Jugong have been canonized as Dukes of the State, because they followed His Majesty the Emperor to seize the throne, and their contributions are indispensable.

As for Yu Chiheng, this person not only has the merits of being a dragon, but also married the princess of the Mu family.
As a result, the entire General's Mansion was full of splendor and busy.

As a son-in-law, Yu Chiheng is also the Duke and Grand Marshal, so there was no need for him to visit the mansion of a junior who was newly appointed a general, and he seemed very unassuming.

Others didn't know the details, but Yu Chiheng felt that Ye Han had to win over him, not because of others, but because of King Yongling!
There has never been a king with a different surname in Dagan, but King Yongling is an exception, because he is extremely mysterious and powerful, and no one can guess the real background of this person.

By chance, Yu Chiheng saw his true face in Mount Lu, and almost died by his sword at that time, and in the end he swore a poisonous oath never to tell the story, which gave him a way to survive.

King Yongling didn't want to show his true colors, which made Yu Chiheng very curious, but he didn't dare to step on this minefield.

And more than a year ago, when he saw Ye Han's face, he almost scared him to death.

Originally, he always thought it was just a coincidence, until a few days ago, King Yongling blatantly ran against His Majesty the Emperor for Ye Han in the court hall.

This kid definitely has something to do with King Yongling!

Could it be his illegitimate child?



Inside the majestic Yongling Palace.

In a bedroom with simple yet gorgeous decoration.

As soon as Lingjun Qi stepped into the palace gate, he sneezed for no reason.

He frowned slightly, wondering who was scolding him behind his back?Could it be the emperor Mu Jingrui?

In the dormitory, a piece of dark green embroidered fabric with dark patterns collapsed, and Chu Yun was earnestly making a robe for men.

The black base material and the dark silver pattern look extremely clean and neat.

Lingjun Qi said with pity: "Yun'er, your body has just recovered, don't do such troublesome things."

As he spoke, he stepped forward to take off his robe.

Chu Yun turned around and said angrily: "It's just a robe, it's nothing to get in the way, look at our child is so big, and my mother has never made him a dress, how can I justify it?"

Lingjun Qi was a little speechless: "Then you are done, how will you give it to him?"


Chu Yun was slightly taken aback, not to mention, they didn't even recognize him, so they just gave him clothes, isn't that too much?
(End of this chapter)

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