Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 887 Roll the bed and roll!

Chapter 887 Roll the bed and roll!

"Ah, the surname Ye, you dare to treat this princess like this, this princess will definitely not spare you!"

"Princess, princess, let go of our princess..."

After a long day of noisy and noisy outside, it finally calmed down.

Ye Han looked gloomy, looking at Luo Qingyun who shrugged and smiled at him.

"very funny?"

"Brother, I took the risk of being disrespectful to help you throw people out, why don't you thank me?"

"Well, thanks!"

"Oh, what's your attitude?"

Luo Qingyun was speechless and wanted to beat someone up, but Ye Han's attitude was too bad.

Just as he was about to complain, he saw Ye Han gloomyly looking at the maids beside him.

"This Ye Mansion, who is the real owner?"

Ye Han's voice sounded so frightened that several maids knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Just now I asked you to ask someone to leave, why didn't you leave?"

"Return to master, Princess Linlang is precious, we dare not!"

"Hehe... Then according to your slave, Princess Linlang is a noble person, but we people, aren't we? Are you a lowly person?"

"No, slaves dare not!"

Only then did the maid realize how angry Ye Han was, which meant to convict them!
They were all slaves bestowed by the emperor, nominally as servants of the Ye Mansion, and listening to Ye Han and Shen Qiqiao, but in fact, they still regarded Princess Linlang as the real master in their hearts.

It stands to reason that these slaves who came out of the palace are very difficult to provoke, and if they accidentally offend the big shots in the palace, they can completely threaten them with this.

However, they met Ye Han.

As a general, a general who is known for his bravery and skill in battle naturally has a strong killing spirit, and if he is unhappy, he will kill them. How can they be so presumptuous?

The maid was frightened and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

But Ye Han was already angry, and when the gentleman got angry, he laid down millions of corpses and bled thousands of miles, how could he let her go so easily?
"Drag this slave who has no order of dignity out and punish him for thirty sticks!"

"Master, master, please spare me!"

The maid cried and begged for mercy, and an old woman who was about 34 years old stepped forward and saluted Ye Han: "Master, please show me your hand, Chunxiang just doesn't know the rules, so give her another chance!"

"Don't know the rules?"

Before Ye Han could speak, Shen Qiqiao stood up.

She gave Ye Han a look, and Ye Han understood that there was no need for him, the male master, to come forward to teach the slaves in the mansion. He lowered his status like that, and it was just right for Qiaoer to come forward.

What's more, I am protecting him on the sidelines, and I am not afraid of any drastic actions by these slaves.

The old mama thinks that she always lives in the deep palace and knows more than this wild girl from the countryside. The other party is just a woman who is a frog in the well, how can she fight her?
Then he smiled and said, "Yes, Chunxiang doesn't know the rules, so please take care of me, Master!"

"Hehe, is that so? You are all servants from the palace, right? Logically speaking, the servants in the palace should be the most disciplined. Why, is the discipline of the servants and slaves in the palace so low?"

The old mama was slightly taken aback.

Hearing Shen Qiqiao sneer again: "Or, are you dead slaves who don't take our masters seriously? It's impossible to make trouble, huh?"

"Ma'am, you are serious. If there is a difference between master and servant, how dare this old slave?"

"Don't dare? Hmph, why don't you listen to the master?"

"That's the princess..."

"What's wrong with the princess? My wife asked, this Ye Mansion, are we the master, or is Princess Linlang the master? Are you loyal to us or to Princess Linlang? If you are loyal to her, then get rid of this lady now! "

(End of this chapter)

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