Splendid peasant girl

Chapter 889 Pour Night Fragrance!

Chapter 889 Pour Night Fragrance!

The tall and thin old nanny was stunned, her eyes widened and she looked at her almost in disbelief.

Shen Qiqiao remained expressionless, and ordered A Fu A Lu to beat him.

Not long after, Chunxiang's miserable screams resounded in the yard.

The maid and domestic servant wanted to stop her, but with Ye Han here and Luo Qingyun standing beside her, these inexperienced servants dared not have any objections at all.

Of course, I am not qualified to have an opinion.

150 sticks, basically Chunxiang followed after the beating, her screams became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a weak moan, and a large swath of dark red blood flowed from her body.

With the flow of blood, her breath became weaker and weaker, and finally, she lost her vitality.

These maids and servants watched Chunxiang die in front of their eyes, and they were still in pain. They were beaten to death bit by bit, and each of them felt cold in their hearts. The one who wanted to warn Shen Qiqiao originally The old mammy was too frightened to speak at this time.

"Take a broken mat and wrap it up, then throw it to the mass grave!"

Shen Qiqiao rolled her eyes at Chunxiang, who was in a miserable state of death, and said so.

Although she knew that this act was a bit vicious, she had no choice but to sacrifice herself in order to make an example of others.

However, she also secretly told Luluo, so she just acted like that, and when she was really pulled out, she still had to bury her in a good coffin.

Of course, her vicious behavior was really effective. A group of domestic servants were extremely obedient at this moment, and they all knelt down, kowtowed their heads to the ground, and obeyed her.

Shen Qiqiao sneered, knowing that these people are not convinced, and also know the principle of carrots and sticks, and said: "Actually, you don't have to be too afraid, I am a person with clear grievances and grievances, orderly rewards and punishments, dedicated to my duties , obedient and well-behaved, there are always benefits."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zisu again, Zisu understood, and turned to go to the accountant.

After a while, a large box of silver was brought.

"Each person will be given two taels of silver. This month's example, the money will be paid in advance. After all, there are family members who need to be taken care of in your own place, right? A few taels of silver!"

Shen Qiqiao sent out this month's bonus first, which calmed down the panicky crowd a little bit.

Afterwards, they mentioned their relatives, secretly expressing that there is no benefit for you to fight against me. Not only will you not be able to save your life, but you will also implicate your relatives, why bother?
In the end, they threw a temptation fruit to a group of people, as long as they did a good job and were loyal, they would be able to be promoted to ranks and get rich!
Just imagine, who has a bad brain and can't get along with money?

Nowhere can get rid of the pattern that where there is milk, there is mother.

Everyone took the silver and pushed it aside one by one. In the past, they probably would have walked away, doing their own things, but this time it was different, Shen Qiqiao had established enough power in their hearts, no one dared to make a mistake, The master left without saying anything.

Looking at their actions, Shen Qiqiao was quite satisfied, she nodded, and then looked at the old nanny who contradicted her first.

"what's your name?"

"The old slave's surname is Zhou."

"Nurse Zhou? How many years have you worked in the palace?"

"I didn't work, but I was a slave! It's been 20 years!"

"Oh, 20 years, that's right, you must be very experienced? Nanny Zhou, if this is the case, then from today onwards, you can pour Yexiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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