Chapter 121 Origin Saintess
After saying this, the gate of the Saintess Hall closed suddenly, and a meteor shot out from the sky above the Saintess Hall. The teapot-shaped Dao Source Tool twisted a bit, directly breaking through the chaotic void, and the space distorted for a while before recovering. Calm.

Outside the barrier of the prehistoric real world, looking in from the void, it looks like an oval egg filled with endless chaotic air machines, and this real world is rapidly expanding and growing, and the internal chaotic air machines seem to have Unlimited general.

At this time, a meteor pierced through the void, came directly into the world diaphragm, and descended into the endless chaos.

The teapot-shaped utensil followed the qi machine to the vicinity of Wa Palace 33 days away, and the golden primordial spirit of Qingshuang murmured inside, "It's such a strong qi machine, but it's a pity that there is a law sage sitting in it. Although she is not my opponent, this person's primordial spirit is connected to the Dao, I am afraid that he has the power of immortality, and he will definitely attract the attention of Dao-level powerhouses, now I can only retreat to the next best..."

After sweeping the tyrannical divine sense of the golden primordial spirit, he saw that there is a world of Yan Fu in the center of the real world, "Is it to open up the world to prove the Dao? There are still several Dao's aura, this person's ambition is so big, I don't know Did it succeed..."

The whole body of the teapot lit up with a dark color, and a chaotic air flow spewed out from the spout, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

After Hongjun's body conformed to the Dao of Heaven, he felt the Dao of Heaven day and night, and wanted to fully grasp this Dao, at this moment he suddenly felt a shock all over his body.

Although the movement was not big, it aroused Hongjun's suspicion, "Could it be that heavenly repulsion like last time?"

Hongjun calculated carefully, but couldn't get any results, so he could only let it go, just pay attention slightly, and pay attention to the changes in the prehistoric world with a little bit of spiritual thought.

The reason why it is called the prehistoric world is because the so-called prehistoric real world includes endless chaotic air mechanisms outside, and this side opened up by Pangu can only be regarded as a world, it cannot be called the real world, only the background of the real world Chaotic innate demon gods like Pangu, Yang Mei, and Hongjun can be born, but the world opened up by Pangu can no longer contain such follow-up characters.

Back then, Pangu also tried to use his own world to expand, so that the barriers of the world and the real world overlapped, thereby replacing the real world, stealing the sky for the sun, replacing the real world with his own world, and proving the way.

The teapot utensils brought the saint's golden soul through the world barrier, came to the prehistoric land, and then came to the sky of a mortal country following a wave of good fortune.

Inside the palace, a glamorous queen wearing a crown was playing with the female concubines, surrounded by female guards holding spears, all of them mighty and majestic.

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and the queen's expression suddenly changed. The originally playful expression on her face became majestic and indifferent.

A teapot also appeared in his hand, and he shouted coldly: "Wait and back down!"

The female concubines were very puzzled when they saw the Queen's sudden indifference, because the Queen had never treated them like this before, but at this time the king's order was hard to disobey, and they all saluted and then quickly retreated.

"Xiliang Nuguo? There must be the qi mechanism I need in the Zimu River!" The queen's expression changed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Come on, drive the Zimu River!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The guard of honor for the trip was soon ready, and the queen rode a phoenix chariot and walked towards the Zimu River under the protection of a group of female guards.


But he said that Bailongma couldn't walk normally at this time, so Xuanzang had to ask where the birth spring was located, so a group of people went outside the city and found a place to ask.

"Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy!"

The wooden material is quite old and hard, and the sound of knocking on the door is also dull.

The door opened with a "creak" sound, and an old woman in her 60s came out. She tossed her kerchief and said in surprise, "When did men come to our Xiliang country!"

"Come and see, there are men here!"

This sentence directly ignited the curiosity of the citizens of Daughter Country in the streets and alleys. For a while, the alleys were empty, and everyone came out to see what the man was like.

"Look, a man is born with such an appearance, so handsome!" A young woman pointed to Xuanzang and said, a feeling of deer bumping in her heart, this feeling is unprecedented, from childhood to adulthood, such a feeling For many years, many women in Daughter Country have never seen a man.

As soon as I saw it, under the agitation of youth hormones, many young women felt a strange feeling in their hearts. That feeling made them itch, as if they could get comfort from Xuanzang and other men. It was very impulsive, and even many bold girls came forward to take Xuanzang home for dinner.

"Hey, look quickly, there is hair growing on this black-faced chin, how strange!"

"Oh, you don't understand this! I read in the book that the hair in this place is called a beard!"

"Hey, Xiao Shuang'er is indeed a person who has studied, she has a wide range of knowledge!"

"Auntie, why don't we bring a man home to play, and let them serve grandma at home when the time comes!"

"Okay, hurry up and do it, you see someone has already done it!"

"Quickly snatch the man!"


Xuanzang and the others were overwhelmed for a while, and it was not easy to cast spells directly in front of these mortals, so they could only shout loudly, "Who of you know the location of the Falling Taiquan?"

The women around immediately started to introduce him enthusiastically.

"Elder, let me tell you! There is a Jieyang Mountain on our Zhengnan Street, and there is a hole in the mountain, and there is a waterfall in the hole."

"Elder, what she said is wrong. Now there is no water to get there. A few years ago, a Taoist came here. He called himself Ruyi Zhenxian. He turned that broken hole into a Juxian Temple, and used magic to protect the spring water of the fetus. , won’t give it to others so easily!”

"It's not impossible to ask for the spring water of the birthed fetus. You must use red flowers as a gift, a plate of sheep wine and fruit, and sincerely offer it to the Ruyi True Immortal. Only then can you be given a bowl of spring water for the birthed fetus. But you monks, Where did you get the money? Why don’t you return home with us and be a door-to-door son-in-law, so how about letting our neighbors take turns to enjoy being a man?”

"Yes, yes, why not go home with us and be a good son-in-law, true man!"

"Yes, elders, being a monk is so boring. Look at our Xiliang country, where so many daughters stay, and they can be the groom's official every night as mentioned in the book. Isn't it a great thing in life! "

All the women started booing again. In this daughter country, because there was never a man, and there was no shy and conservative idea, even Zhu Bajie's ears turned red when he spoke, and his eyes looked at Xuanzang from time to time, as if Asking "Master, why don't we just follow them?"

The longing in his eyes was almost overflowing, and Zhu Bajie showed a pig brother's face, thinking about the next life.

 I wish you all a safe and healthy 2020!
(End of this chapter)

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