The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 513 Men are getting stronger and women are getting weaker

Chapter 513 Men are getting stronger and women are getting weaker

It turned out that the demon clan was not very stable in the first place, and there were two relatively equal forces, one was Mo Yewu's father, the demon master of the demon clan back then.

Of course, there is another force. They are not very submissive and often play tricks in secret, but they still dare not confront them head-on.

Because if they face each other head-on, even if they win, they will lose both in the end, and it will not be worth the loss if they let others take advantage of the loopholes.

Therefore, even though they were dissatisfied, they lived in peace for many years.

Until, one year, Mo Ziyi, the most beautiful woman in the demon clan, fell in love with a man named Shangguan Jin Tian.

Regardless of her father's opposition, regardless of the opposition of her clan, she resolutely married Shangguan Jin Tian.

However, the happy days didn't last long, and bad news came back not long after...

Mo Ziyi is dead!
Shangguan Jin Tian said that Ziyi died suddenly and suddenly, and he also promised Mozun repeatedly that he would bring back Ziyi's spirit and help her to be reborn.

Mo Ziyi's health is not very good, this is almost a well-known fact among the Mozu.

Therefore, upon receiving this news at the beginning, the first reaction of Mozun and his clansmen was sadness, not suspicion.

Afterwards, when the emotions gradually calmed down, the demons realized that something was suspicious. Finally, after a period of secret investigation, they realized that Ziyi's death was not sudden at all.

Tracing it back to the reason, it surprised everyone.

Back then, the reason why Shangguan Jin Tian got close to Mo Ziyi was because he had already started to practice forbidden arts at that time. He did not know where to find a dossier, which recorded a rapid improvement of the ancient forbidden arts. method.

The combination of pure yang body and pure yin body is called double cultivation.

But it is not the same as the real double cultivation. The woman Shangguan Jin Tian needs must have the orthodox blood of the demon race.

Moreover, the woman cannot practice forbidden techniques, and her cultivation level cannot be higher than his. Otherwise, not only will it not help his cultivation base, but it will make his cultivation base go backwards.

Shangguan Jin Tian searched for many years, but he couldn't find a suitable woman. Either her cultivation base was too high, or her aptitude was too poor. Practicing forbidden techniques...

Until she met Mo Ziyi, Mo Ziyi has the noble blood of the demon race, because she has been weak all year round and her cultivation level is mediocre, but she is still young, so at that time, it was the best time of her youth.

Shangguan Jin Tian approached her step by step, because of her identity, he couldn't be too eager for success, he could only slowly make her fall in love with him, and finally, he got his wish and married her back home.

On the night of weddings and candles in the bridal chamber, they became husband and wife.

Shangguan Jin Tian was pleasantly surprised to find that after intercourse with her, the effect of his cultivation was indeed multiplied.

He treated her very well and doted on her very much, and the two of them lived a happy life.

A few years later, Shangguan Jintian found that Mo Ziyi's health was getting worse and worse, so bad that sometimes he couldn't even have sex with him.

Moreover, she is aging very quickly, she is only in her early twenties, but she seems to be in her early thirties.

Shangguan Jin Tian vaguely understood something, he read the file again carefully, and finally found a line of small characters in a corner.

Men are getting stronger and stronger, women are getting weaker.

This ancient cultivation method has already been reduced to a forbidden technique, because if a man and a woman combine for a long time, the woman will only have one result.

The soul is gone.

(End of this chapter)

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