Chapter 524 Who Was Injured?

How could Shangguan Jin Tian be the opponent of Feng Yaolian compared to his verbal skills? He immediately trembled from anger and showed a frosty face.

"you wanna die."

When Feng Feicheng talked about Mo Ziyi, Shangguan Jintian was completely angered. When Shangguan Jintian made a killer move, his body was full of evil spirits, and the devilish energy was wanton.

If at the beginning, he made a ruthless move, then now he really has the killing intent, because the move is fatal, and Feng Feicheng has no time to breathe.

One move after another, gradually, Feng Feicheng seemed to be losing the wind.

At this moment, Feng Feicheng was shocked in his heart. It turned out that Shangguan Jin Tian didn't do his best at the beginning, and his cultivation was far superior to his own.

Here, Tong Shiying paced back and forth in the room, restless.

After Feng Feicheng went out, she wanted to sneak out, but found that she was locked in the space barrier by him, not only could she not get out, but also she couldn't see or hear outside.

Therefore, she has no idea what happened outside.

As time passed, she became more and more irritable and restless in the room.

So, she tried to break the enchantment of Fengfei City.

She knew that the chance was not great, but it was better than sitting in the room and doing things in a hurry.

Soon, Tong Shiying tried all kinds of methods, but the barrier didn't respond at all.

In a rage, she pushed the tea set on the table, the cup was broken, and the broken mouth grazed one of her fingers.

A trace of blood flowed out.

Thinking flashed across Tong Shiying's eyes, she remembered that Ah Feng said that not only could she see through his secret technique, but she could also break into his barrier...

So now, there must be a way.

The small cut on her finger was not treated, and it hurt slightly, making her frown slightly.

With a flick of the fingertip, a trace of blood mist flew into the air.


Something in the air seemed to be torn at a corner.

Then there was a loud bang, and the barrier disappeared.

The fierce fighting continued outside.

The scene of the battle made Tong Shiying stunned.

The small courtyard no longer existed, and was directly moved to the ground, except for the room under her feet, which was preserved.

She knew that it was due to the enchantment of Fengfei City.

There was no longer any shelter nearby, and the figures of the two fighting were in mid-air, with lights and shadows intertwined, and it was no longer possible to tell who was who.

But vaguely, she could also see that one of them was obviously injured.

Tong Shiying ran out in a hurry, there were ruins under her feet, all the houses and trees were destroyed, broken eaves could be seen everywhere, large and small pits continued on the ground, and it was a mess.

It can be seen from this that the destructiveness brought about by this battle is even more terrifying than being besieged by so many people last time...

High in the sky, the fight was still dark.

She looked at the light and shadow, and tried her best to distinguish, who was the injured person?

Although she probably had the answer in her heart, she still held a sliver of hope. She stared at it with wide eyes, her nervous palms were sweating.

Ah Feng, there must be nothing wrong, there must be nothing wrong!
Tong Shiying recited silently in her heart over and over again. Suddenly, there was a violent vibration in the midair, and two dark lights were instantly shaken away, piercing the sky quickly.

what's the situation?
She raised her head and looked at the sky without blinking her eyes. Suddenly, in the night sky, something was hitting her at the speed of a shell.

She was shocked, but it was too late to avoid it.

Feng Feicheng's appalled voice came from the air: "Ying'er..."

A cloud of black mist completely engulfed her, and in the next moment, even the mist and people disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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