Chapter 531 Let that suffocate...

Tong Shiying remembered that she was captured by Shangguan Jin Tian. At that time, when the cloud of black mist hit her, she wanted to avoid it, but suddenly felt a strange fragrance penetrated into her nose, and then she said something I don't know anymore.

Thinking about it now, she must have been drugged, otherwise, she wouldn't have let him take her away so easily.

She quickly figured out her situation, but she didn't know what happened to A Feng afterwards?

Who was injured?
He was taken away, so why should Afeng go crazy?
No, she can't just sit and wait for death, while Shangguan Jin Tian is not around, she has to find a way to save herself.

A Feng is still waiting for her to go back.

Tong Shiying desperately twisted her body a few times, but the harder she moved, the tighter the invisible silk net on her body would be tightened.

After a few movements, she seemed to be exhausted, but it didn't have any effect at all, and instead made herself even more uncomfortable.

After resting for a while, she resolutely tried the electric current in her body.

Huh?Tong Shiying was pleasantly surprised to find that the electric current in her body was very full.

It's just that she feels very tired now, her eyelids are extremely heavy, and she can't summon up the energy to control these electric currents.

She guessed, perhaps, that it was because the drug in her hadn't completely subsided.

So at this moment, she had no choice but to close her eyes, gather her energy, and make plans when the drug lost its effect.

Time passed bit by bit, Tong Shiying couldn't calm down at all, she was worried about Feng Feicheng, wondering what happened to him?

And Shangguan Jin Tian, ​​why on earth did he arrest himself?
Seeing Mo Ziyi lying down below, Tong Shiying always had a strange feeling in her heart, as if she would sit up the next moment, grow long fangs, and bite herself madly...

Tong Shiying shuddered, she was disgusted by her own imagination.

Such a beautiful woman, even if she becomes a zombie, she should be a beautiful western zombie, not like a zombie...

Hey, bored, Tong Shiying started to be in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, until the moonlight near the cold pool turned into sunlight, and the sky was already bright.

She was suspended in the air, and within a short period of time, it was fine to not eat, drink or sleep, but there was one thing that had to be resolved!
Don't wait until Ah Feng came to rescue her, and found out that he was... suffocated to death by that.

Tong Shiying kept greeting the eighteen generations of Shangguan Jintian's ancestors in her heart, but her legs became tighter and tighter.

What to do, who will rescue her?

Suddenly, there was a loud bang.

It was the sound of the stone door being opened.

Finally someone is here!

Before seeing who came, Tong Shiying couldn't help shouting: "Put me down quickly, I'm going to make things easier."

Light footsteps came.

Shangguan Jin Tian walked towards her step by step, no, to be precise, he walked towards Mo Ziyi.

He didn't look at Tong Shiying at all, he only had Mo Ziyi in his eyes.

"Ziyi, I'm back for my husband."

He sat beside the stone bed, looked at Mo Ziyi tenderly, and gently pinned a strand of her hair behind her ear.


Did you make a mistake and treat her like air?
"Did you hear that, put me down quickly, I'm going to make it easier!"

Tong Shiying's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she stared at Shangguan Jin Tian below.


Shangguan Jin Tian put his fingers to his lips, and made a movement of silence: "Don't make noise, Ziyi hasn't woken up yet, what are you doing so loudly?"

(End of this chapter)

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