The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 538 How is this style of play a level?

Chapter 538 How can this style of play be of the same level?
Waves of thunder in the sky became fiercer than each other, and the terrifying huge electric currents, accompanied by powerful shock waves and white lights, formed a line with the electric current around Tong Shiying, making a huge noise.

Suddenly, she hooked her red lips in a strange and bloodthirsty manner. Without any warning, her pupils turned dark purple, and her eyes were like an abyss, like a black hole with surging waves, revealing amazing power.

No movement was seen from her, a strong flash of light and a deafening thunderclap struck Shangguan Jin Tian accurately and accurately.

Shangguan Jin Tian's expression darkened, he used his cultivation and flew away quickly, avoiding the thunderbolt.

He stood in emptiness, turned his head, and looked at the place where he was standing just now. A thin crack had been split by the thunder, sparks were flying everywhere, and the surrounding dry grass and leaves were on fire.

Shangguan Jin Tian's face was full of clouds. If it hit him, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't get hurt even if he asked himself.

Tong Shiying was in a hurry, and she also vaguely knew about the situation on Afeng's side, so at this moment, she drove the thunder and lightning crazily to attack Shangguan Jintian, trying to get rid of him as soon as possible.

She no longer gave him a chance to breathe and fight back, and thunderbolts struck him one after another, no matter in terms of speed, impact force, or powerful destructiveness, each time became more violent.

Shangguan Jin Tian managed to avoid a thunderstorm, and immediately greeted the next one. His pupils shrank suddenly, and he avoided the danger. What was even more frightening was that the thunder was not only getting faster and faster, even two or three thunderbolts, At the same time, Qiqi struck him.

This time, like a little beast trapped in a urn, he couldn't avoid it. He hastily set up a protective shield around himself, and using his cultivation, he prepared to catch the thunder with all his strength.

"Boom, boom!"

Three thunderbolts struck down at the same time, there was a flash of light in the sky shrouded in dark clouds, and the protective cover shattered in response, and then, another flash of white light flashed in the sky, Shangguan Jin Tian was shocked, and only narrowly avoided the vital point.

His clothes became scorched black, and the exposed skin was also burned to varying degrees, but the thunder in the sky continued to follow him as if he had eyes.

I saw a black figure moving at an astonishing speed in the forest. Wherever he passed, there must be no life, the forest was full of desolation, and the forest was full of flames.

But unexpectedly, apart from Shangguan Jin Tian and the ground being seriously damaged, the positions of Feng Feicheng and Mo Yewu remained intact and were not affected by the lightning.

Mo Yewu's eyes were staring straight at him. How could this kind of dismissal be of the same level?
What the hell, is that one beats someone, but the other only gets beaten, and has no power to fight back at all.

However, Shangguan Jintian is indeed Shangguan Jintian, and the repeated attacks for so long have not caused any substantial damage to him, tsk tsk...

But gradually, Shangguan Jin Tian's condition was not optimistic, and he became more and more embarrassed. He was panting like a cow, his breath was messy, and he could no longer adjust.

Tong Shiying was anxious, and her attacks became more ferocious, but Shangguan Jintian's evasive movements became slower and slower. He was hit by the aftermath of the thunder several times, and his clothes were already torn.

The hair was scattered, strand by strand, scorched and emitting green smoke.

Shangguan Jin Tian knew that he was doomed this time, but he would not be reconciled to dying in the hands of such a girl.

Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and screamed: "Ziyi, farewell."

Suddenly, the devilish energy around Shangguan Jin Tian's body surged crazily, and thunder exploded, but he didn't dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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