Chapter 544

Hearing the sound, Tong Shiying raised her head and saw a strange man squatting beside the pit. She was slightly surprised, but then became calm: "Who is your third brother, and what does it have to do with me?"

The young man in Xuanyi gave her a strange expression: "Below you."

Tong Shiying was taken aback for a moment, then reached out and touched the bottom... soft?

No wonder it felt like it fell on cotton just now, could it be... She looked down suddenly: "Ah!"

It's actually a person!

The man stared at a pair of terrified eyes, his mouth and eyes were already crooked, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

At this time, Tong Shiying was sitting on his stomach, which was the softest place on a person's body.

She hurriedly lifted Feng Feicheng up and moved to another place.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, he..."

Suddenly felt something was wrong, Tong Shiying's slender fingers probed under his nose, ah... died?

Tong Shiying was shocked and embarrassed, this person was crushed to death by her and A Feng, right? !

Now the beams are getting bigger!
"Girl, don't be nervous. Although he is my third brother, but we are at odds, it's fine if he's dead now, so I have to do it myself."

The young man in Xuanyi seemed to know what Tong Shiying was thinking, and he looked at her with a half-smile, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Only then did Tong Shiying take a serious look at him. She knew that the friendship between brothers and sisters in such a big family is really weak, and it is not uncommon for some to kill each other for their own benefit. Looking at a few corpses, it was obvious that he had just experienced a fight, so what the man said should be true.

She nodded slightly to him, but just in case, it's better to leave here quickly.

Tong Shiying carefully helped Feng Feicheng up, put his arms around his waist, put his arms on her shoulders, and then jumped out of the big hole.

Looking at the desolate surroundings, she couldn't help but frowned. Doesn't this place look like the bottom of a cliff?
I was puzzled in my heart, but my face was calm as usual.

The most important thing now is to find a way to contact Dongfang Hanyu. Afeng's injury is not known. However, although he is unconscious, his breathing is normal. There shouldn't be any major problems? !
Tong Shiying saw a stream directly in front of her, and she walked towards the stream with difficulty, carrying Feng Feicheng on her back.

The way they are now, needless to say, must be dirty and embarrassing.

The young man in Xuanyi didn't leave. He saw Tong Shiying carrying a tall man on his back like that. It was hard to imagine how such a slender body could bear it?
The most important point is that this woman does not see any aura fluctuations on her body. It seems that she is just an ordinary woman, and the outstanding man on her back is a cultivator. Seeing that his white robe is stained with blood, he should be punished. seriously injured...

A weak woman like her, carrying a seriously injured man on her back, can't get out of this haunted forest no matter what!

The young man in Xuanyi quickly chased after him, walked side by side with Tong Shiying, and kindly suggested: "Girl, why don't I carry you on my back?"

Tong Shiying's footsteps did not stop: "No need!"

"My lord, Yu Wenche, I don't know what to call the girl?"

Surname Yuwen?
Is there such a family in the Spirit Continent?

Tong Shiying's footsteps paused slightly, and then continued to walk forward, she thought, it might be some little-known small family!

Seeing Tong Shiying ignoring him, Yu Wenche didn't mind, and followed her step by step, talking to her non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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