Chapter 547 The ignorant are fearless.

He didn't understand, how could an ordinary woman give him such a feeling?

But intuitively, she was reluctant to answer this question.

After getting along with her for a short time, he also found out that Tong Shiying is indeed a woman with a weird personality.

It looks so weak, but it is very easy to carry a tall man on its back, and it seems that it has no fear of this ghost domain forest.

Is it ignorance?still……

Soon, Yu Wenche attributed her to the former, as the saying goes, the ignorant are fearless!
What's more, she said it herself just now, it's the first time to go out.

Tong Shiying didn't want to answer this question, knowing that the noisy man would definitely be suspicious again, but she couldn't care so much, after all, she met by chance, she didn't need to explain everything to him.

She looked at the sky, and it was getting late. Now, with A Feng in a coma, it might not be easy to get out of this forest quickly.

Moreover, according to this noisy man, monsters and beasts often appear here.

Speaking of monsters, she thought of Xiao Bai, what happened to that guy?

A few days ago, it broke through suddenly, and Afeng said that it was going to survive the catastrophe, so he put it back in the Youdu jungle. Only in the molten molten pool of the Devil's Pool, could it survive the catastrophe safely.

It's just that I didn't expect that this time, they were completely separated.

If you have it by your side now, it will be fine, traveling, monsters and so on, everything will not be a problem.

Suddenly thought of something, she asked: "Do you have any flying beasts here?"

"Flying beast? A monster flying in the sky?"

Yu Wenche has been observing her secretly, seeing that she has been indifferent, expressionless, and doesn't know what she is thinking.


"Yes, there are quite a few types. Why, the girl wants to get one to use as a mount?"


Tong Shiying glanced at him lightly, but didn't speak.

"Haha, brother Liu Huang really enjoys it. I said that I didn't see you all the way. So you are hiding here with the little beauty!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, and then, three men came out from the woods to the west.

One was tall and tall, the other was thin and short, and the other stood upright, with a handsome face that was cold and expressionless.

And the person who spoke was the burly one.

Tong Shiying frowned lightly, and the man's words about the sixth emperor already explained a lot.

This Yu Wenche is a member of the royal family. He said that this ghost land forest is running for some kind of crown prince. Then, these people, as well as the one who was killed by him just now, should all be princes.

"Brother Da Huang's eyes are not good? Why do you only see the beauty, but don't you see a man in the beauty's arms?"

Yu Wenche sat there without moving, his face changed slightly when he saw someone coming, and he immediately regained his composure, and retorted bluntly: "She is a married woman, so don't talk nonsense, it will ruin the girl's reputation. "

The thin and short man looked at Tong Shiying up and down, with a hint of obscenity/evil in his eyes, and said to the eldest prince in a low voice: "Brother emperor, I will fully support you this time. Can you get it?"

"Haha, Fourth Emperor Brother, look at how promising you are, when I become the crown prince, do you want any beauties?"

The First Prince laughed loudly, with a bit of contempt in his laughter, he glanced at Tong Shiying again, she was indeed a little beauty, and said brazenly: "As for her, just grab her."

(End of this chapter)

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