Chapter 551 Do You Think I'm Stupid?

Before the eldest prince could finish his sentence, a transparent thread of electric current suddenly rushed towards him. Before he could react, the thread had already pierced through the center of his eyebrows, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

In an instant, he was dead.

The eldest prince died just like that.

Tong Shiying curled her lips coldly. This time, this pig prince with a simple mind and well-developed limbs was right. If he was killed, the next target would be Yu Wenche and the other two.

Therefore, she must take the lead, seize the opportunity, and solve one by one before they unite.

Because of cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots, she didn't want to leave future troubles.

If the old emperor of some dynasty knows that she killed his son, there may be some troubles in the future.

The fourth prince's face changed greatly: "How dare you kill the future prince of our Jinnan Dynasty?!"

"If you don't kill him, wait for him to kill me?"

Tong Shiying sneered: "I don't like killing people, you all asked for it."

While she was speaking, two current wires shot out at the speed of an arrow.

This time, with the sound of "sizzling", she released the voltage. When the two silk wires were wrapped around the thin body of the fourth prince, it was like being hit by a high-voltage current instantly, and there was a violent tremor. His face and hair were all scorched, and a strong smell of burning permeated the air, and he fell down slowly.

Solving another one, Tong Shiying's mind shook, her long and curved eyelashes were slightly drawn, covering the extreme fatigue in her star pupils.

The remaining two have been watching the battle. Although they did not help the eldest prince and the fourth prince, Tong Shiying still does not intend to let them go.

Besides, how cold-blooded and ruthless must this kind of person be when he watched his own brother being killed?

"Both of you, go up together!"

At this moment, she is almost unable to hold on, it is best to make a quick decision.

However, at first glance, these two people are much more powerful than the two just now, so she did not underestimate the enemy.

Yu Wenche smiled lazily, but he was already on guard. He said in a warm voice: "Girl, why are you so desperate? We don't want to be enemies with you, girl."

Yu Wenyin stood still, and when he heard Yu Wenche's words, the word "men" also represented him, but he didn't refute, and just looked at Yu Wenche blankly, which was regarded as tacit consent.

"Ha ha."

Tong Shiying glanced at them lightly, with a sneer on her lips: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Why did you say that, girl? Have you forgotten that we got along very happily just now? Besides, you killed the eldest prince and the others, which means you have eliminated our competitors. How can we be enemies with you at this moment?"

What Yu Wenche said was very sincere, while Yu Wenyin did not speak from the beginning to the end, but did not refute.

A flash of light flashed across Tong Shiying's eyes. In fact, she has reached the end of her strength and will fall down at any time. If she can stop using her mind, she can solve the problem, which is of course the best.

However, how credible are Yu Wenche's words?
"What do you use to make me believe you..."

She looked at Yu Wenche and asked, after the last word, she shifted her gaze to Yu Wenyin again: "You guys?"

This iceberg man is not a simple guy.

As soon as Tong Shiying's words came out, Yu Wenche immediately understood: "Please don't worry, girl, if this incident reaches the ears of the emperor today, not only you are in trouble, but we will also be involved."

"The word of mouth is useless."

How does she know how they will report to the old emperor when they go back?
 Thanks to the babies who have always supported and accompanied me. There are welfare activities in the book review area, and the babies are all actively participating. In addition, there is a recommendation for this book this week. !

(End of this chapter)

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