The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 553 Even if they die, they should not separate

Chapter 553 Even if they die, they should not separate
what the hell?

Tong Shiying suddenly felt cheated, no, let's get out quickly!
"Now that we have reached a consensus, we will enter the water and not violate the river water in the future. Let's go first, and there will be no future!"

After finishing speaking, Tong Shiying hugged Feng Feicheng's thin waist tightly, and in a flash, she disappeared in front of Yu Wenche and the two of them at an extremely fast speed.


Yu Wenche and Yu Wenyin stood in place, not returning to their senses for a long time.

They only felt that a whirlwind was blowing in front of them, and the figure of the girl had disappeared.

This weird speed, not to mention bringing an injured and unconscious man, even if there is nothing, they may not be able to do it.

Who is she?

It's incredible.


On the other side, Tong Shiying has swept thousands of feet away in one breath, she feels that her energy has been exhausted to the limit, her eyes are blackened, and the dizziness is getting stronger and stronger, she is only relying on a willpower to persist.

Soon, in a sloping area, Tong Shiying's consciousness gradually became blurred. Knowing that what she was about to face might be a coma, her eager heart only cared about one person.

If she fell down, what would happen to A Feng who was unconscious?what to do?
Before she had time to think about it, she tightly hugged Feng Feicheng's waist with both hands, and then tied their bodies tightly together with his belt.

She thought, even if they die, they should not be separated.

Although the slope was steep, fortunately, there were no thorns or stones. The two rolled down the slope and fell into a shallow pit hidden in dense bushes.

Tong Shiying lay on Feng Feicheng's body, her eyes darkened, and she fell down completely.

This sleep lasted for several days.

When she woke up, there was a dense night in front of her eyes, the sounds of various insects and ants were heard from the forest, and there was a bright moon in the sky, with a faint blue light shining on the ground through the narrow gaps in the dense forest, projecting dozens of strange shapes. shadow.

Tong Shiying moved, her body was still tied to Feng Feicheng. Under the moonlight, she lowered her eyes and saw his handsome face. In an unconscious state, there was less coquettish and evil spirit, but more delicate and gentle.

His heartbeat was beating slowly and regularly, and it was transmitted to Tong Shiying's ears one after another, which made her feel a lot more at ease.

However, suddenly, as if sensing something, Tong Shiying looked up and gasped.

With the shallow pit as the center, in all directions, eyes of various colors glowed with a cold light in the night.

Is that... a monster?
There were all kinds of strange monsters, on the ground, on the trees, and hovering in the air. There were not a hundred, but tens of them. Their posture must have surrounded her and Afeng.

Tong Shiying quickly calmed down, untied the belts tied to the two of them, and then held Feng Feicheng in her arms, ready to fight at any time in the most favorable posture.

However, a trace of doubt flashed in her starry eyes. These guys couldn't have just discovered her and A Feng, but why didn't they eat them directly while they were unconscious?

Tong Shiying observed for a while, and found that although these different types of monsters were all staring at each other, as if they wanted to rush over at any time, they seemed to be afraid of something and never dared to approach?

It's really strange, what are they afraid of?
She thought for a while, then pursed her lips suddenly, as if she wanted to prove something, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and the electric current in her body suddenly appeared...




All the monsters fled wantonly, as if they had encountered something extremely vicious, and the speed could not be described in terms of running for their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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