Chapter 556 Master Yunhu 1
After the waiter's careful explanation, she realized that Jutianxia was, in fact, equivalent to a well-known chain store in modern times. In this area, it almost monopolized the entire Jinnan Dynasty's Great Medicine Hall.

Doctors with a little bit of ability and reputation will aim to enter Jutianxia to study, but there are very few doctors who can be recognized by Jutianxia.

After asking about the news she wanted, Tong Shiying sent the waiter away, finished her meal in a hurry, changed her clothes, and planned to go to the Jutianxia to find out.

But she was worried about leaving Feng Feicheng unconscious in the inn alone, so after resting for a while, she carried him on her back again, went out through the window, and went straight to Jutianxia.

After walking for about two streets, I finally saw the quite famous Jutianxia.

This is a very large medicine hall.

In front of the medicine hall, on a big red plaque, the three big characters "Ju Tian Xia" are very eye-catching.

In the lower right corner, there is also a line of small characters, which says the 130th second semicolon.

At the gate, four red lanterns were hung high, illuminating the gate as bright as day.

It was so late, and there were still people coming and going in front of the door.

Tong Shiying was hidden in the dark, and she didn't want to reveal her figure until she figured out the situation.

Pushing the mind, the figure immediately disappeared in place, and in the next second, it appeared in the courtyard of Jutianxia.

Tong Shiying was slightly surprised, when did she teleport?
Although the distance is not far, it is indeed teleportation.

She had seen Afeng use this ability before, but Afeng moved much farther than this time.

Tong Shiying stabilized her footsteps, turned her head and glanced at Feng Feicheng, seeing that he had no influence, she walked forward with peace of mind.

After walking for a while, she found that she should have come to Jutianxia's backyard. From time to time, a little drug boy passed by, but she easily avoided them.

Along the way, she also vaguely heard a message.

"Hey, have you heard? Master Yunhu will come to us to give lectures in the world after a while."

"What's so strange about this, Mr. Yunhu chooses our pharmacy to teach all the doctors for free every other year, but this time, he happened to choose our No. 130 No. [-] branch."

"Really? Master Yunhu is really a good person. I heard that his medical skills are superb, and any difficult and miscellaneous diseases are not a problem in his hands."

"Yeah, this time, we can also have the honor to witness his true face. Thinking about it, I'm so excited!"

The voice gradually faded away.

Tong Shiying came out from behind a large pillar with withered beams, her expression slightly restrained, and she fell into deep thought.

Cloud Fox?

Is he really that good?
No matter what, as long as there is a chance, she will not let it go.

Tong Shiying didn't stay for long, and left immediately.

Back at the inn, she found the waiter again and prepared warm bath water.

During this period of time, both of them need to wash up after being outside, eating and sleeping in the open air.

She first took off Feng Feicheng's clothes and put them in a wooden bucket to relieve his tired body.

After taking off her clothes, she realized that there was a light red scar on his abdomen.

When was he injured by Shangguan Jin Tian's aura?However, this recovery speed is too heaven-defying, right?

Tong Shiying checked other places again, and was surprised to find that Feng Feicheng's physical injuries had basically healed.

I don't know what kind of medicine Dongfang Hanyu gave him, the speed of his body recovery is simply different from ordinary people.

But he was still in a coma. In this way, his biggest injury was still his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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