Chapter 564 Bandit Logic
Therefore, carriages are rarely used by anyone, and even if they are used, they are usually ordinary people.

In this continent, there are some people who don't practice, they are just ordinary people, but if they have money, they are also powerful, and they can hire many experts to protect themselves.

This also shows that Yuanling Continent is a world where status is measured by money, because there are many masters here.

But they have no other skills other than fighting and killing. They can only be guards. Some are lucky enough to enter the academy as a teacher.

In addition to these, there are mercenary groups, and bandits who occupy the mountain as king.

Of course, there are also many cultivators who are relatively noble, disdain to be inferior to others, and are willing to be a carefree person in the world.

In short, this continent is very messy and chaotic.

In her current special situation, she must be very careful, because unknown dangers may appear at any time.

Besides, on the first day she arrived here, she had already made a strong enemy for herself. Now, although there is no danger for the time being, she feels that this matter is a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

Tong Shiying stopped and walked along the way, but fortunately she has the map in her mind, so she won't go the wrong way.

She clearly calculated that the distance to the next stop would take about five to eight days according to her own pace.

This is simply too slow.

But because of her pregnancy, she couldn't hurry too much, so she could only stick to the next stop, and then hired a carriage.

Time passed quickly, and three days passed by in a flash. She deliberately avoided some pedestrians along the way, but the road was very clean.

Walking through a plain, there are two roads in front of you, one is the official road and the other is the mountain road.

The mountain road will be closer, but the risk factor in the mountains is also high.

Aside from the monsters, there must be a lot of experienced people inside, but the official road is too detour, nearly half of the distance is longer than the mountain road.

Moreover, on the official road, you will definitely meet more people.

So, in the end, Tong Shiying decisively chose the mountain road.

Entering Linsen, she walked quickly with ease.

Feng Feicheng ate the Hunyan Pill given by Yunhu, and his complexion was much better than before, and his breathing was much more even. This made Tong Shiying temporarily relieved.

After walking for about half an hour, Tong Shiying suddenly stopped and looked forward.

There was a faint sound of fighting ahead.

There are even roars of beasts.

She pondered for a moment, and then turned over a mountain, there should be people.

However, right now, I heard the sound of fighting. If there is a fighting, it means that there is trouble. However, this path is the only way out.

In the end, there was no other way, Tong Shiying pursed her lips, and chose to move on.

Before dark, she wanted to get out of the forest and find a place to stay.

After walking for a while, the fighting stopped.

Then, someone was talking.

"Hand over the phantom spirit jade, and I will spare your life." The voice was not very old, at most it was a teenager.

"Your Nanxiang College is too rampant. If you have the ability, you can get it yourself. What kind of man is it if you rely on others?"

The voice sounded like he had been seriously injured, but he seemed to be using aggressive methods to keep the boy from needing help.


The young man snorted coldly, not being fooled: "You think I don't know what you're paying attention to, today, your Phantom Lingyu master is going to be ordered."


Tong Shi was speechless for a while.

The logic of such a robber makes him speak so confidently...

(End of this chapter)

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