The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 566 I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the brain.

Chapter 566 I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the brain.

Saying that, that subordinate immediately understood, exchanged glances with another subordinate, and then the two of them surrounded Tong Shiying.

Xiang Shaotian added injury to injury, he followed after dying, seeing this, he was startled, but he already had more than enough energy, so he could only remind her: "Miss, be careful..."

However, none of them noticed Tong Shiying's calmness and increasingly gloomy expression.

She also heard the boy's words, it seems that whether she wants this phantom spirit jade or not, she will inevitably kill her.

Therefore, before the two subordinates approached, Tong Shiying's eyes froze, and powerful thoughts condensed. In the air, an invisible oppression and air flow suddenly attacked the two of them.

"Boom! Peng!"

Following the huge airflow, the leaves and branches on the ground, the ground connected to the roots of the trees, rose up from the ground, exhausting the bodies of the two, and were directly rushed by the airflow to a distance of hundreds of feet, smashing dozens of big trees.

The young man and his subordinates were stunned, and Xiang Shaotian didn't understand, so what they immediately thought was, could there be a master hiding nearby?
No one doubted that it was Tong Shiying who moved.

"Who is it? I am the young master of Nanxiang College. If you are against me, you are against the entire Nanxiang College. Your excellency must think clearly."

The young man's arrogant tone, he thought that what he said was full of threats, even if the person who used the name of Nanxiang College and made a move behind his back, he didn't dare to act recklessly.

But after waiting for a while, no one responded, but Tong Shiying snorted contemptuously.

None of these people had any discernment. She wanted to make a more powerful attack, which would have a deterrent effect, but she was ignored again.

very good!

This young man, at such a young age, is so arrogant, arrogant and vicious, Tong Shiying's beautiful eyes are narrowed dangerously, this kind of person, if he is killed, he is doing harm to the people.

Xiang Shaotian secretly looked at Tong Shiying, the light in his eyes fluctuating.

At first, he was startled by the situation in front of him, and he didn't have time to think about it, but now he found that this girl was calm from beginning to end, showing no trace of fear.

Also, a woman, who doesn't look very old, actually carried a man on her back, and that man, who has been in a coma, must have been seriously injured.

She has no aura fluctuations in her body, and she is not a cultivator. No matter what the reason is, since she dared to walk a seriously injured person in this kind of monster-infested and dangerous forest, it shows that she is not a simple person.

So in the scene just now, although Xiang Shaotian was not sure yet, he already suspected that Tong Shiying did it.

But these, Xiang Shaotian can see, does not mean that the boy can also.

The young man was already interested in Tong Shiying, but seeing that she was just an ordinary woman, he didn't pay attention to her at all. Although she was carrying a man behind her back, the man seemed to be seriously injured, so it was not a serious problem.

Now, as long as that person secretly doesn't make any moves, then he doesn't have to be afraid.

The young man thought that the man behind the scenes hadn't spoken for such a long time, the words he just said must have played a role, because he was afraid of the forces behind him, so he didn't respond, and he probably left now.

So, he became arrogant again, staring at Tong Shiying unabashedly with obscene eyes, that naked eyes seemed to have done something to her.

"Little girl, take the phantom spirit jade in your hand, and throw yourself into my arms!"

He opened his arms with a wicked smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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