The Lady Falls from the Sky: The Enchanting Husband Is Addicted

Chapter 569 It...has recognized its master? !

Chapter 569 It...has recognized its master? !
He was panting, sweating profusely, and already very weak.

"Girl, you are walking so fast that I can hardly keep up."

As he approached Tong Shiying, he said with difficulty.

Tong Shiying continued to eat with her head down, without looking up at him, she asked coldly, "What are you doing with me?"


He hesitated for a moment before saying: "I want to ask, that... phantom spirit jade..."

Tong Shiying understood clearly, with a calm expression: "Do you want to go back?"

Her tone was flat, and she couldn't hear her anger.

"No no no."

But Xiang Shaotian didn't admit it: "I don't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Girl, don't get me wrong. Since you found the Phantom Jade, it is naturally yours. I just want to tell you something about the Phantom Jade."

Xiang Shaotian glanced at the unconscious Feng Feicheng, and continued: "If the girl is destined to have a relationship with the phantom spirit jade, then this phantom spirit jade girl can be used just right."

Tong Shiying glanced at him lightly, but didn't speak.

Phantom spirit jade, she just observed it, if she guessed right, she once heard him say it when chatting with Afeng, it seems to be a kind of naturally formed spirit jade, the appearance is different from ordinary jade, almost transparent color , there is a certain amount of space inside, which is similar to the space ring, but much larger than the space ring, usually the size of a relatively spacious room.

However, this kind of space spirit jade is very rare, at least, no one has ever discovered it in the Spirit Continent.

Xiang Shaotian was a little terrified by her indifferent glance, coughed dryly, and said embarrassingly: "Girl, this phantom spirit jade was obtained by accident a few years ago. I found out that he has been calling for the attention of Phantom Lingyu, but I have never agreed, so I met him here this time, so I was surrounded by him and wanted to snatch it."

He said so much just to dispel Tong Shiying's doubts, but she remained calm and indifferent, sitting there without any reaction.

"Don't worry, girl, I have no malice. Besides, you saved my life today, so I just want to tell you that this kind of space spirit weapon needs to recognize its owner before it can be truly used."

Xiang Shaotian's tone was very sincere, but there was still a strange expression flashing across his face, although it was very fast, it couldn't hide it from Tong Shiying's eyes.

There was a hint of mockery at the corner of her mouth, and her voice was cold: "If you have anything to say, you can just say it directly. You don't have to have any scruples. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it just now."

He rambled so much because he saw her method of killing people, and was afraid that if he said something that made her unhappy, he would kill him too!
A flash of embarrassment flashed across Xiang Shaotian's face, but soon, he smiled calmly again, and said, "Young lady is right, she is a villain."

After a pause, he finally got to the point: "Well, actually, there is a book and a wind chime in the phantom spirit jade, which are relics left to me by my closest relatives, but I have no relationship with this spirit jade, and I have been unable to open it ,so…"

So what, he didn't go on to say, but Tong Shiying also understood.

She took out the Phantom Spiritual Jade and spread it in her palm, but before she could speak, suddenly, the Phantom Spiritual Jade flickered and disappeared into her palm in a stream of light.


Xiang Shaotian watched this scene in disbelief, and it took him a long time to say a word: "It...has recognized its master?!"

Tong Shiying looked at the empty palm, and was obviously stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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