Chapter 571 Heading to Ice City
With one person missing from Tong Shiying's back, she was much more relaxed and her pace was much faster. The monsters she encountered along the way, no matter what their grade, would avoid her. , several times faster than before.

Before it was dark, they rushed to a small town.

There are also guards at the gate, but they don't care about the people who come and go in and out of the city gate.

Tong Shiying followed behind the crowd and entered the city openly.

The first time she found a restaurant, she bought some sumptuous food and snacks like jujube, and then found a place to rent a carriage, and rented a relatively fast carriage.

The driver is a middle-aged uncle, he looks like an ordinary person, he only knows some boxing skills and keeps fit.

Tong Shiying asked to travel overnight and arrive at Bingcheng as quickly as possible. As for the price, she was not stingy and gave double the original price.

The middle-aged uncle grinned from ear to ear, and agreed without thinking too much.

Tong Shiying didn't want to waste a minute or a second, so they set off right away.

In the carriage, although it was a bit bumpy, she was able to close her eyes for a while. This night, she regained some energy in a daze, but during the period, she entered the phantom several times, and from time to time, she took a look at Feng Feicheng , she will feel at ease.

However, in case of any accident, she dared not stay longer every time.

It wasn't until after dawn that Tong Shiying asked the middle-aged uncle to rest and eat something.

The carriage stopped beside a beach. She went down and washed her face, but her appetite was still bad. She couldn't eat the things she bought yesterday.

Suddenly, I saw fish in the water.

She thought of the fish that Feng Yaolian grilled himself, and couldn't help swallowing.

I miss that taste so much, I don’t know when I can taste it again.

Inadvertently, Tong Shiying caught a fish and got up, and when she found out, she smiled wryly.

I don't know how to bake, so what can I do with it?

She was just about to release the fish, but a middle-aged uncle's voice suddenly came: "Does the little girl want to eat fish? What a coincidence, my wife also likes to eat fish, so I often bake it for her, but now I take She will be greedy for a while if you do this single job."

It can be seen that when the uncle talks about his wife, the happy smile on his face is particularly contagious.

Tong Shiying was overjoyed: "Uncle really knows how to grill fish? Then... can you also grill this fish for me?"

"of course can."

The middle-aged uncle said kindly: "There is nothing wrong with this. The little girl paid such a high salary, what is grilling a piece of fish? Along the way, as long as you want to eat, the uncle will grill it for you."

As he said that, he took the fish, then handled it neatly with his hands and feet. After washing it, he set up a bonfire and began to roast it.

Tong Shiying sat next to her, her chin resting on her hands, waiting to eat.

After a while, the smell of fish came out, and she seemed to have an appetite suddenly.

After another meeting, the middle-aged uncle handed the grilled fish to Tong Shiying: "Girl, how about trying it?"

Tong Shiying smiled slightly, took it, took a bite, and chewed slowly.

The fish tasted very delicious, but her eyes were slightly darkened.

Although the taste was good, but it wasn't the familiar one, she couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but after thinking about it, she found it funny.

Are you stupid?
How could uncle's grilled fish have the same taste as Ah Feng's grilled fish?

(End of this chapter)

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