Chapter 590 Entering the Ice Palace
Tong Shiying smiled and said: "Buy it, it must be impossible to buy it."

Seeing that Bing Ji was slightly regretful, she changed the topic: "But..."

Bing Ji then ignited a glimmer of hope, Tong Shiying's eyes flashed a sly smile, and said slowly: "In fact, I can also brew this kind of wine."

As for red wine, she hasn't drunk it anyway, so making some wine can fool her!
"it is good."

Bing Ji was not surprised either, then lowered her head and ate seriously.

Tong Shiying was sitting opposite her, beside Feng Feicheng, she looked at him, her expression dimmed, and a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

Sighing silently, he also began to concentrate on eating.

The two didn't talk anymore, and after finishing the meal, Bing Ji asked her: "Are you still hungry?"

Tong Shiying was stunned for a moment, and then realized after a few seconds: "Not hungry, just greedy."

Pregnant people, even if they are not hungry, will feel that they want to eat something.

Speaking of this, Tong Shiying only discovered it a few days later. It turns out that this blue light can actually prevent hunger, even if you don’t eat, you don’t feel hungry. This is incredible!

She is still amazed until now: "By the way, what exactly is the vial you left that day?"

"It is the source of life. It is good for you and the fetus."

After Bing Ji finished speaking, she got up and planned to leave.

But Tong Shiying was taken aback again, it turned out that she knew she was pregnant a long time ago.

After Bing Ji left, Tong Shiying sat in the kitchen and thought for a long time.

What is the reason why she did not agree to save Ah Feng?

And this reason must be her own problem, so now, in order to solve this problem, she must get to know her better.

It seems that tomorrow I have to go to the ice palace to explore!

Back in the bedroom, Tong Shiying hugged Feng Feicheng and stayed up all night.

Bing Ji, tonight, her body seems to be exuding an even heavier chill. If it wasn't for the rising and falling of her chest, she would definitely think that she is just a corpse.

This physique is too strange!

As soon as it was dawn, Tong Shiying got up, washed up for Feng Fei City, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and was going to use this as an excuse to go to the Ice Palace to find out the truth!

Before going out, Tong Shiying did not forget to set up a defensive formation around Fengfei City.

Although there will be no danger here, as long as it is about Fengfei City, she will be extra careful.

Tong Shiying carried the food box and came to the door of the ice palace.

The entire palace is as translucent as crystal, but it is actually ice!
As soon as I approached here, I felt that the surrounding temperature dropped ten times in an instant.

However, the blue light in Tong Shiying's body will automatically protect the lord, so soon, she will not feel the cold anymore.

Walking up the ice steps made by the ice, at the last step, I was thinking about how to open the ice door, only to hear a "bang".The ice door opened automatically!
Tong Shiying paused for a moment, then walked in.

The palace was empty, there was nothing there, and the surrounding cold was overwhelming. Inside, it was like a huge cold room.

For some reason, she obviously didn't feel cold, but Tong Shiying suddenly felt a jolt in her soul, an inexplicable feeling.

The inside is completely enclosed, but one can breathe normally, and the surrounding ice walls are inlaid with night pearls, illuminating the entire palace as bright as day.

Tong Shiying walked down a few ice steps, turned a corner, passed through several passages, and then went to ice steps again, then turned again, and it was still a passage...

In this way, I don't know how long I walked down and how many passages I passed through, but I didn't see the door all the time.

Tong Shiying wondered, where does this Bing Ji live?
(End of this chapter)

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